you had set up on two hectic months before the world Cup. Now, the Coronavirus has come to this. What runs do you currently have?
We are working with full throttle under the assumption that the world Cup will take place. We slow currently, no mm. What is the Situation with the Coronavirus: Currently nothing else left for us here to be seen, to observe and to analyze.

How do you not go so that you don’t know whether the world Cup will be carried out at all?
We must be this state of uncertainty, aware of it and deal with it. Of course, it can inhibit the Motivation in the Team. Since I am also in demand as a leadership person. Energy you can give only when you are in a positive mood. We must not lose sight of the magnificence of this project. And just in the last few weeks before the world Cup, very exciting things are in regards to the organization.

you Roll around currently, also different scenarios? Would it be conceivable to move the world Cup to a few weeks back?
I can tell you anything for the moment. The next fixture is the 15. March. Then we know whether the decision of the Federal Council in terms of large-scale events continues. In the short term, we need to take no action because the world Cup takes place only in two months. Since other operators are prompted to close. But of course, we have to clarify it, different scenarios.

“I could only imagine that all of the players come to play for two weeks in empty halls.”Gian Gilli

they Put their hopes to the fact that the wave decay when it is warmer?
This is to read coffee grounds. Of course, one hopes. But I can’t say the development of advance. We have to rely on the experts, the models developing, such as the spread of the Virus could continue.

A world Cup without spectators is likely to be an issue, or?
According to the statement from René Fasel (of the IIHF President) does not. And I could imagine only with difficulty that all the players come to play for two weeks in empty halls.

when is the last possible date to the world Cup to cancel?
these are all questions that are being investigated.

in 2009, they were at the world championship in Bern and Kloten is also OK-in-chief. At that time, the swine flu just came on. How have you dealt with this?
We have the analyses with the Doctors. But, as you say, was the flu of the pig at that time only just on the rise. The big wave came only in the autumn. Therefore, the pig had the flu at that time no great influence on us.

“We are covered against failure of the world Cup.”Gian Gilli

you currently have purchased a flood of requests from viewers, the Tickets?
It is currently fairly quiet. Sure, there are some questions whether the world Cup to think about or not. Our language is as follows: From today’s perspective, it is planned to be unchanged.

If the world Cup had to be cancelled, would be refunded the Tickets?
This is in clarification and a complex history. We first need to clarify the legal foundations and with our partners, to talk, to make a concrete indication. The Situation has worsened only recently.

broke the ticket sales in recent days?
The sale is still running. We have sold in the last few days, more Tickets and Hospitality deals. In this regard, we are on course. But it may already be that now some wait, until you know how it goes.

you are covered for the failure of the world Cup. There would be covered for the lost revenue?
We are covered against failure of the world Cup. But the discussions begin with the insurers.

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Created: 05.03.2020, 13:58 PM