The vital world has always been a care-provider for the municipality of Schliersee. In Corona-times, even more than before. The financial implications for the municipal budget are difficult to foresee.

Schliersee – The Vitalwelt in Schliersee power to the Corona times, rather grim. The swimming pool: closed. The sauna world: close. The Restaurant Charivari: locked. Only the Osteozentrum had open Recently, after all, also Medius Fitness (we reported). What all this means for the budget of the municipality, as the owner of the building? Completely unclear, says mayor Franz carving Baumer (CSU) on request.

vital world Schliersee: to press Ongoing cost hardly

Since mid-March, the operation of baths and saunas is prohibited. This is not to say, of course, that the municipality will incur no cost. The bathroom must be kept. It is known that the Monte does Mare for the municipality, which represents the cost the municipality in the invoice. The plants don’t have to keep running, even if an Opening, such as last week in the open – air pools – currently in sight. Means for the municipal coffers: There is no revenue from the entrance fees come in. In the past year these were in the months of April, may and June, more than 100 000 Euro. However, The personnel costs are significantly lower, because the Monte Mare has sent most of his staff – as in Tegernsee – in short-time work. But whether the town hall with a sound economic plan, calculated annual deficit of 187 000 euros alone will go to the operation of the vital Therme, seems unlikely.

see also: vital world Schliersee: record number of visitors in 2019 – New attractions planned

Leased areas of the vital world: rent well

deferred The swimming pool is the one that leased space in the vital world of the other. Monte Mare pays for the sauna world and the Restaurant. In both facilities, any receipts are missing currently. The Charivari remains despite easing closed. Opposite to him, Monte-Mare-managing Director, Herbert Doll have cited economic reasons, why not once the Restaurant has opened, reported carving Baumer. A request of our newspaper to the company remained unanswered. It is known from other restaurants, that the operation with the spacing rules expects little or not at all (we reported).

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the lease, I traded the municipality was “very generous”, says carving Baumer. That is, The payments appear to have been deferred, as provided for in the Federal policy. To abandon cash, the you to the the town, was says the mayor. “We need to find a long-term solution. We want to be sure not to take any tenant in bankruptcy.“ According to the financial approach, the lease payments amount in the whole building to just under 290 000 euros. It will probably come as soon as everything already heuer in.