Brutal starvation diets, body shaming and the pressure to perform: U.S. running talent Mary Cain breaks her Silence about the Nike Oregon Project.

“Thinner and thinner and thinner” – Mary Cain describes her anguish when NOP photo: Charlie Neibergall/ap

In may 2015, says Mary Cain had become clear how the System works. The then 19-year-old middle distance runner was already for almost two years, part of the, in the meantime, because of alleged doping violations, set the Nike Oregon Project (NOP). After a bad race, her Coach Alberto Salazar have said that in front of everybody, to be fat.

that night you have stood by Salazar and other project staff, that you hurt yourself. The two replied that they would go to sleep now. “That’s where I realized: This System en iyi casino siteleri is sick.” Cain left the NOP and gave up the big dreams of the Olympics.

Mary Cain, 23 years old, was in the United States as a great young talent, participated in 2013 at the age of 17 as the youngest American ever at a world Championships in athletics in Moscow. She joined the NOP, which they accused of today, to have your career ruined.

“Thinner and thinner and thinner” have to for their coach, the now due to Casinoslot doping for four years blocked Alberto Salazar, will be. Less than 52 kilos, 1.70 meters have to weigh. “I am emotionally and physically abused.”

Cain also said that they had received banned drugs for weight loss and for three years their period get. A total of five bone fractures she suffered in this time. Salazar’s former assistant Steve Magness and several athletes confirmed the practice, which apparently mostly women, were brutally starved down.

Mary Cain raises their accusations in a Video of the New York Times. She speaks in a wise, calm, simple, like a, has the support of the family, but over the years, not resisted. “I was so scared, I felt so alone and so trapped,” she described it today. “I began to have thoughts of suicide, I started cutting myself.”

she’s not the Only one who now finds the courage to speak. In the English-speaking world there have recently been a wave of women abuse in Sport to the public: U.S. gymnasts talked about sexual abuse, Nike athletes criticized the financial losses in the event of pregnancy, a US national soccer game complained about unequal pay, Ex-athletes such as Casey Legler talked about the mental abuse.

“We have a System that was designed by and for men, and the bodies of young women, destroyed”, as formulated Cain, who was trained in the NOP alone of men have.

The gasp of the Mary Cain touches on several aspects: a Patriarchal sporting system gets slow cracks. And, the brutal is trimmed to performance. Female trainers alone, little will change. “Nike is all-powerful,” says Cain about the growing influence of the sports article manufacturer.

Under Cain’s last Nike commercial 2014 announces a User in response to a Boycott of Nike. The Video has about 24,000 calls, of comment two Likes. Mary Cain will know against what opponents you are fighting there.