
  • Uli Hoeneß: “it Is for the other difficult, getting us down
  • FC Bayern retrieve” is also in the crisis is well prepared for the future
  • Uli Hoeness is a great desire to go to Shows again in Talk-to

The Bavarian radio someone has exact figures. It was on Sunday evening, the 60. Presence of Uli Hoeness in the “Blickpunkt Sport”, at the same time, the first without the Fans in the Studio. It habituation are needy times, even in soccer, although the sport, everything’s business as usual.

On the weekend, FC Bayern decided the season 2019/2020 for the eighth Time in a row as the German champion. “It is for the other in the future is difficult for us because the top of the enclosure, the FC Bayern is also in this crisis are well prepared for the future”, made the honorary President of the record holders of the competition with little hope for a balanced title fight.

Uli Hoeneß: “FC Bayern is not work half of the tags”

“You can’t expect from us is that we now all work for half a day, so the League is exciting again.” BR tele show

But of course Uli Hoeness had not come only to talk about football and “its” Bavaria. The former Manager and President of the Bavarian world club maintains known to be represented to political and social issues with a clear mind.

Talk Shows have to Forget, because no one trusts what to say

“I have great pleasure again in one of these talk shows is to Want to ‘Anne’ or ‘Maybrit Illner’,” admitted Hoeness in these programmes in the years prior to his conviction for tax evasion is a regular guest was.

“But I know me, that I can’t hold back, if one or the other comes out with bullshit”, before he pushed to his intentions even to the bar. Then a weeks – or months-long Shitstorm together brow again in the Internet, it was not worth it.

“Otherwise,” said Hoeness, “the talk shows to Forget, because no one dares to say what.”

in the case of Tönnies? “In some cases reminded me of my time with the tax thing,”

Critical Demands, or even contradiction, as in “Anne Will” or “Maybrit Illner” usual, had not the fear of Hoeness in “Blickpunkt Sport”presenter Markus Othmer, and so he dared also to say one or the other, about the case of his friend Clemens Tönnies.

The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Schalke 04 and co-owner of Germany’s largest pig Slaughterhouse is currently the subject of intense criticism, because the working conditions have taken care of in his company for a historically large Corona outbreak in the district of Gütersloh.

Uli Hoeneß: If you’re up, then there’s no stopping”

“in Part, it reminds me of my time with the tax thing,” jumped Hoeness to the friend from the West side. “If mistakes were made, you have to stand, which he does. If things are to change, you have to do that too – I assume that he does, if it is necessary. But that’s talking about everything he has done, all of a sudden in the rubble and ashes, it can’t be.”

For Hoeness, has placed its own sausage factory many years ago, in the hands of his son, Florian, is this the “character of our society: If you’re up, then there’s no stopping.”

“We must each be happy Tomorrow, that we may live in this country”

Forgiving of Bavaria-Patron, a. D. looks at the Coronavirus pandemic as a whole. The was “very difficult for all”, but about the crisis management of the government of the 68-Year-old expressed almost euphoric.

“We in Germany, specifically in Bavaria, we have solved this Problem fantastic,” is Hoeness safe. For Europe to have a great future to offer now a chance, especially in view of the tense situation in the USA, ready-to-him great concern: “Only with a strong Europe, we will have between the blocks, the USA and China have a Chance.”

Uli Hoeneß: “Disciplined, until the vaccine

Hoeness comes,” called on his people in the context of gratitude, the discussion of the Lockdown was “madness”: “We must each be happy Tomorrow, that we may live in this country.”

That’s him at the Tegernsee increasingly young backpack encounter tourists who have discovered the wall mount for yourself, like the world champion of 1974, excellent. “We would all do well to be disciplined, until the vaccine is coming,” said Hoeness to the patient.

If the football after the corona-crisis return to old popularity back, is not accounted for in his eyes at all times. Because: “Many young people are learning now with what life different.”


football Bundesliga – Hoeness believes his Bayern: “Good Chance to win it all”Basketball – Uli Hoeness congratulated Alba Berlin for the title

football Bundesliga – Hoeness: “For this team there is at the Moment no obstacles”

FC Bayern: Manuel Neuer and the curious, mostly shell-Workout PCP FC Bayern: Manuel Neuer with the quaint Cup and the Workout Irritated Watzke countered Wolfsburg-criticism at the Dortmund result PCP Irritated Watzke countered Wolfsburg-criticism at the Dortmund result

*The contribution of “Uli Hoeness in a TV Interview for Schalke Boss Tönnies is strong,” published by the tele look. Contact with the executives here.

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