The 20 Clubs in the Swiss Football League (SFL) have decided that the game of the Super and Challenge League at least until the 23. March, not to rest – if the event ban on the 15. is repealed. It should play to the Spirit or even to the season crash to come, were some of the clubs problems.

that’s Why the Federal government should intervene in rescuing, when it comes to SFL-CEO Claudius Schäfer. Together with the Swiss ice hockey discuss with the Federal government on possible subsidies for Swiss Sport. And in some of the national councils, this idea is a popular one …

“An intervention is a very sensitive issue,” Martina Bircher, SVP Aargau. (Photo: Keystone)

“I have some sympathy for this claim, however, the Federal government must take care to arouse no desires. Because it not only affects the Sport. Many small businesses are affected. Alternatively, the League could be financed for example via the Swisslos Fund. Nevertheless, The procedure would be very tricky. Finally, there are also establishments which have concluded, for example, a pandemic-insurance and every year premiums paid. This may not have the Look.”

“It’s hardship cases should be considered,” Christian water FDP Bern fall. (Photo: Keystone)

“Regardless of the industry, I am of the opinion that the Federal government must face up to the discussion on compensation and other measures, due to the particular location. In particular cases of hardship should be envisaged. In the Sport, but also tourism, industry, etc. there are currently in real difficult situations.”

“It is now up to the Federal government” Irène Kälin, Green Aargau. (Photo: Keystone)

“I agree with the requirement of the Swiss Football League welcome to the full extent. With the Coronavirus, we have an extraordinary Situation in which people are, through no fault of get. The Federal government has with the Assembly, a drastic measure is ban is not imposed, which only relates to the Sport. The consequences for our workers in the country. It is now up to the Federal government to find a solution.”

“It needs non-bureaucratic solutions,” Mauro Tuena, SVP of Zurich. (Photo: Keystone)

“The restrictions, which cause the measures to combat the spread of the Coronavirus, are wide and hard – Yes they do. It relates to football games, hockey games, exhibitions, trade fairs and concerts. They all bear the direct consequence of the Assembly ban.

extraordinary events require extraordinary measures Should be had the measures extended the Federal Council to the cantons is a concept in which he engages with the companies concerned and organizers, non-bureaucratic, under the arms: for example, with flexible grants for short-time work, to bankruptcies and cases of hardship avert. It is important that on the part of the Public, all of the directly affected industries, associations, Clubs, operators are treated equally.”

“The Federal government should assume responsibility,” Céline Widmer, SP Zürich. (Photo: Keystone)

“extraordinary measures, such as an event, ban require extraordinary responses. Therefore, directly affected SMEs, associations and self-employed persons who are threatened in their existence, should be rapidly supported financially.

The event, prohibition is a massive – but necessary – intervention into economic freedom for industries that are involved in cultural and sporting events. If the Federal government must intervene on the basis of the epidemics act so strong, should he assume the Vice versa is also responsible for the affected SMEs and associations.”

third mid – term of the Tamedia football-Podcast

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Created: 04.03.2020, 21:21 PM