Which player makes the most of his operations out of? To answer these questions, attention is paid to often just on the Skorerpunkte (goals and Assists added together).

This tell for various reasons not the whole truth. For example, because the operating time of the player is not taken into account – not all of the strong> ice hockey in <finally, equal time on the playing field. And also the role of the player is not reflected in the Skorerliste. Actors are used in the Special Teams and more in number (Boxplay) instead of Numbers (Powerplay), may not be the same rating as the offensive forces, which get a lot of Powerplay ice time.

In the Following, we show the ZSC-players used in the Regular Season 2019/20 the most efficient in its ice age. It is not a matter of Skorerpunkte, but a question of how often the player was in goals and goals on the ice relative to his ice time.

Who the ZSC Lions in all kinds of situations, as is often the case with Plus – and minus gates on the ice, is an exclusive daily Gazette.ch/Newsnet-run statistics, and nowhere in public view.

include the roles of the ZSC-players better, we share the following rankings in four categories: “plus gates in the case of a numerical tie”, “goals against in the case of a numerical tie”, “Powerplay” and “Boxplay”. Hit into an empty net when the Goalie has been replaced by a field player, is not taken into account in all categories.

1. Plus gates in the case of a numerical tie

What is the ZSC-players needed so far, at least ice, on the plus gates of the team on the ice? Take into account all the goals in the case of a numeric tie (5-on-5, 4-on-4, 3-against-3).
1. Maxim Noreau 16:40
2. Christian Marti 22:43
3. Patrick Geering 23:36
4. Tim Berni 24:22
5. Dario Trutmann 25:04
6. Phil Baltisberger 26:01
7. Severin blind Bacher 26:05

1. Pius Suter 17:04
2. Garrett Roe 17:06
3. Marcus Kruger 17:53
4. Denis Hollenstein 20:05
5. Chris Baltisberger 21:17
6. Simon Bodenmann 21:20
7. Fredrik Pettersson 21:41
8. Dominik Diem 23:05
9. Marco Pedretti 27:02
10. Raphael Prassl 27:30
11. Roman Wick 26:41
12. Reto Schäppi 34:12

(ice age, in minutes:seconds. Only players with at least 20 Games and at least 10:00 minutes of average ice-age in the case of a numerical tie, per game) to read

How these Figures: for example, Maxim Noreau: Stand Noreau in the case of a numerical tie, on the ice, it took on average of 16:40 minutes before the ZSC scored a hit. The lower the number, the better.

2. Goals against in the case of a numerical tie

What is the ZSC-players were the longest on the ice without the team conceding a goal? Take into account all the goals in the case of a numeric tie (5-on-5, 4-on-4, 3-against-3).
1. Dario Trutmann 39:35
2. Phil Baltisberger 34:41
3. Christian Marti 34:37
4. Patrick Geering 32:20
5. Maxim Noreau 30:33
6. Tim Berni 29:40
7. Severin blind Bacher 22:22

1. Marco Pedretti 40:34
2. Marcus Kruger 37:15
3. Raphael Prassl 35:22
4. Simon Bodenmann 34:49
5. Reto Schäppi 34:12
6. Roman Wick 33:21
7. Garrett Roe 31:39
8. Chris Baltisberger 30:36
9. Fredrik Pettersson 30:07
10. Pius Suter 29:52
11. Dominik Diem 29:30
12. Denis Hollenstein 27:23

(ice age, in minutes:seconds. Only players with at least 20 Games and at least 10:00 minutes of average ice-age in the case of a numerical tie, per game) to read

How these Figures Marco Pedretti: Stand Pedretti are: for example, in the case of a numerical tie, on the ice, it took on average 40:34 minutes, until the ZSC suffered a hit. The higher the number, the better.

3. Powerplay

What is the ZSC-players-needed at the least ice time on the Powerplay-goals of the team on the ice? Take into account all the generated ZSC-goals on the Powerplay.
1. Maxim Noreau 5:17
2. Fredrik Pettersson 5:32
3. Pius Suter 5:40
4. Chris Baltisberger 5:52
5. Garrett Roe 5:53
6. Dominik Diem 6:30
7. Severin blind Bacher 7:08
8. Denis Hollenstein 7:23
9. Marcus Kruger 7:41
10. Patrick Geering 8:22
11. Simon Bodenmann 8:31

(ice age, in minutes:seconds. To read is only available to players with at least 20 Games and at least 1:00 minutes of average ice time on the Powerplay per game)

How these Figures Maxim Noreau: Stand Noreau in Powerplay on the ice, it took on average 5: 17 minutes:example,, to the ZSC Lions shot a hit shot. The lower the number, the better.

4. Boxplay

What is the ZSC-standing player in the number game (Boxplay) the longest on the ice without the team conceding a goal? Are taken into account all goals of the ZSC in Boxplay.
1. Severin blind Bacher 22:02
2. Denis Hollenstein 10:17
3. Maxim Noreau 9:51
4. Marco Pedretti 9:09
5. Pius Suter 8:51
6. Raphael Prassl 8:39
7. Christian Marti 8:35
8. Tim Berni 8:07
9. Marcus Kruger 7:21
10. Dario Trutmann 7:11
11. Reto Schäppi 7:00
12. Patrick Geering 6:36
13. Garrett Roe 6:02
14. Phil Baltisberger 5:17

(ice age, in minutes:seconds. To read is only available to players with at least 20 Games and at least 1:00 minutes of average ice time in the Boxplay per game)

How these Numbers Severin blind Bacher: the state blind Bacher in the ZSC are: example-Boxplay on the ice, it took on average 22:02 minutes, until the Lions conceded a hit. The higher the number, the better.

Blind Bacher’s number is impressive. The defender was injured often, stand at only 27 of the 50 qualifiers in use. In number game, he was, however, a Bank: At 44:05 minutes of ice time in the first sub-number (1:37 per game) he stood up only two hits on the ice. This results in an almost incredibly good value. It needs to, without trying to Blind Bacher’s power diminish, but it is also to be noted: he Would have missed not one of the 50 Regular-Season games, he could have this value hardly keep.

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Created: 06.03.2020, 14:08 PM