when is the recovery ? This is the question facing football fans in Algeria, and they are many in this land of football, which has just recorded the last years of the exploits, the image of the victory of the national team at the Africa Cup of nations. Players, coaches, but also public supporters and lovers of football follow with trepidation the evolution of the health situation, to hope to glimpse the beginnings of the return to competition. In Algeria, various measures of containment are being extended until may 14, and it is only from this deadline (which may be postponed if the curve of the contamination continues its slow progression) that there will be more clear in the timing of the different competitions at the national and regional.

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The closed-door force

on The 1st of last may, the Federation of Algeria football (FAF) has issued a roadmap to fix the calendar, waiting for the green light from authorities. Thus, the Cup of Algeria football (2019-2020) would, for the senior category, at the end of the containment with the unfolding of what remains as meetings (the quarter-back in the semi-finals and the final).

Eight teams remain in the competition : the Bordj Bou Arreridj, ES Sétif, WA Boufarik, US Biskra, USM Bel Abbes, Amel Bou Saada, le Paradou AC and finally the ASM Oran. On the other hand, the Cups Algeria women’s and youth categories will play the next season, before the kick-off of the championships and after the period of preparation. For the championships of Leagues 1 and 2, they will resume as soon the lifting of the containment, and after a preparation period of five to six weeks, ” regardless of the date which shall be fixed by the public authorities “, according to the FAF. The competition period is the continuation of the season 2019/2020, will take place over a period of eight weeks. Will then a phase of total rest for at least a week for players and then an active rest of a month that begins the beginning of the registration period, before attacking the new season, ” a date which will be specified “.

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The algerian football association also states that ” the conduct of closed-door meetings will be decided in accordance with the terms of déconfinement and decisions that will be taken by the authorities in this framework.” “By contrast, the camera will be strictly implemented during training sessions and football bodies hustle of the delegates to ensure strict compliance of this measure “, we read in the document of the FAF. But, again, everything will depend on the date to be fixed by the authorities for the déconfinement. “The recovery workouts from the 14 may will depend on the evolution of the situation in the country. If, by then, the situation improves, it would thus be possible to resume the preparation and the competition, according to a well-established, otherwise we will be forced to extend again the date of the recovery. Everything will depend on the advice of doctors, because the life of the citizen is the first priority “, explained to El Watan, the very experienced coach Mustapha Biskri.

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” are we Gonna play with masks ? “

For the tunisian coach of JS Kabylie, Yamen Zelfani, ” the advanced program is ideal. I just think it is necessary to reduce the preparation to the five weeks, that’s enough. It will be necessary to manage the problem of containment, as we will need to have friendly matches “.

This is not the opinion of Toufik Korichi, director-general of the club alger CR Belouizdad : “This is not because the CRB is a leader that I advocate to stop the season and declare the CRB champion, but even if it is ranked 5th, 6th, or 10th, I would say the same thing. I want to save lives, not to enthrone the CRB champion. “The head of the CRB goes further :” Have we actually thought of to protect everyone, players, coaches, referees, delegates, journalists, etc.? What are the measures ? Are we gonna play with masks ? Are we gonna punish the contact between the players ? The marking at the balls of the arrested will he be banned ? How to avoid that the players touch each other, breathe, rub… ? “

Because the other uncertainty is to see how different clubs apply the measures laid down by the FAF to ensure a recovery without risk. The president of the medical commission, federal, Damerdj Djamel-eddine, has elaborated a series of recommendations for test players and staffs of the clubs, in addition to the medical protocol similar to that of a recovery before a season. “It is necessary to test all players at Covid-19 as a function of the availability of the tests. In the absence of tests, a recovery drive is not possible “, slice Dr Damerdj.

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” This is to guarantee that the players will be tested at every time of need, screening continuous, accompanied by cardiac testing, naso-pharyngeal and a whole battery of tests that it will be updating as progress of the recovery. Not to mention the gestures barriers that are impossible to respect in all circumstances. Locker rooms, toilets, common spaces, the field will need to be reconfigured, the workouts totally redeveloped, travel by bus only, the restoration, the green will become more and more under the old protocol “, describes the journalist specialist of El Watan Yazid Ouahib. “It is this arsenal of measures or health protocol that will tip, or not, the balance. If the scientific committee to follow the evolution of the pandemic of the sars coronavirus is not convinced by the health protocol presented, it will not give its agreement for the recovery. The State will be served to the right people. The game is far from played out, ” warns the expert.

also Read Algeria : “The challenges are avenues to reform our health-care system”

Solidarity, all-round

In the meantime, the football players shine elsewhere than on the land. The FAF announced that it was able to collect 1.3 million euros to a special account, help and solidarity in the fight against the coronavirus, ” thanks to the contribution of everybody, including the regional Leagues. For professional clubs, they have surrendered their share of the rights tv, ” according to the head of communications of the Federation Salah-Bey Aboud. It has been decided to open a foreign currency account to meet the demands of patrons based, inter alia, to the stranger, the picture of Christian Gourcuff, the former national coach who has expressed his solidarity with the medical staff of Blida in a video.

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writing will advise you

Algeria : “The challenges are avenues to reform our health-care system “”After the déconfinement, I advise you from walking in the desert,” Sébastien Lapaque – CAN : the victory eminently political, the Algerians CAN 2019 : Algeria won his second continental title ! CAN 2019 – Algeria sacred : “One has the impression to go back in history “