An invisible spectre goes through the world, takes hold in the lungs and brings the world of sport to a Standstill. Around the globe, Cancellations, ski races, formula 1 or Moto GP races will be more frequent. Or is it, as in the Swiss ice hockey Championships to be completely cancelled.

of Course, the Croesus of the sport , the football , is affected. In Switzerland, to be held in March in the Super League and the Challenge League no games more, in France, in the two highest leagues of up to 15. April is not played in Spain the Ball for two weeks, suspended for the League spirit of the games wears off, in the Premier League, there is a positively tested coaches and players. The tournament of four countries at the end of March in Qatar, where the Swiss national team also wanted to participate, will not take place. And so some people are wondering: will take Place the European championship in 2020?

Poets calendar

It could be difficult. In more and more national leagues, is not played. This means that game days would have to be rescheduled, if the season is to be played to the end. But dates will only be there if not as intended for the EM on the 12. June begins. The opening game by the way, is planned in Rome. In the capital of that country, so this is currently a restricted zone, and in which, of course, the Serie A is currently not playing.

How tight the schedule is, is the example of Real Madrid in the Spanish La Liga highlight. The Royal, who are currently in quarantine, for the benefit of that is that the championship rests for a minimum of two game days. But the Team that is fighting at the same time in the Champions League to enter the quarter-final, would thus have to make up three games. In the tightly timed League with a total of 38 match days, up to 24. May not an easy task.

the shifting of The EM around the summer of 2021 is a possible scenario. Not all problems would be solved, however.

Given the current situation, it is secured, however, by no means, the game operation in a number of countries as well as Switzerland, is soon resumed. Would then have to travel for an EM player with no match practice to their national teams? What happens if all countries declare a state of emergency and sporting activities completely be banned? The players to not only Match, but also training practice was the implementation of the EM would be due to divergent factors of the individual countries and their national players in a Farce.

Comes in: Not only the national leagues are under time pressure. Soon, this could also apply to the Uefa and your European Cup. Still played, also in the Champions League and its little brother, the Europa League. However, the Public have already been held the first games, to the exclusion of. There are already lots have been moved. And in the next week for sure Real Madrid and Juventus because Corona can’t compete cases in the Team or in the environment.


must be the interest of Uefa to keep your sales strongest competitions on the Run and bring to an end to, great. 3.8 billion Swiss francs of revenue brought to the club competitions of the Uefa last season. In contrast, the yield of the European championship finals four years ago: 2.2 billion Swiss francs, it were 2016.

Probably, the European football Association, therefore, has an interest in its club competitions on the actually scheduled the end (of the Champions League Final is so far for the 30. Scheduled for may in Istanbul) to play finished.

The Ataturk Olympic stadium in Istanbul, the venue of this year’s Champions League Finals. (Photo: Keystone)

On Tuesday, the Uefa top meets President Ceferin, with its 55 member federations and will discuss all possible scenarios – a shift in the EM part of it, around the summer of 2021. Not all problems would be solved, however. The Final of the Nations League (2 may. to 6. June), before the European Championships take place. The EM would collide, but with the women’s championship in England and the first scheduled Fifa Club world Cup with 24 Teams in China. This could lead to further power struggles between the two major football associations. Both sides had also time enough to find a way of reason for new solutions.

third mid – term of the Tamedia football-Podcast

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Created: 13.03.2020, 10:56 PM