When the ancient-Gauverein Tegernsee hits the next Time there is a request for renaming on the agenda. The Chairman of which holds but not a lot.

Tegernsee – The annual General meeting is postponed until Further notice, but if the antiquity-Gauverein Tegernsee hits the next Time there is a request for renaming on the agenda. In 1903, the upscale supporting Association for the Museum Tegernseer Tal is to be renamed according to the will of a member of the Association in “Historical Association for the Tegernsee valley”. This is the Name that should attract more younger members. We have asked the Chairman of the Association Birgit Halmbacher-Höplinger what the Board thinks of the advance.

Mrs. Halmbacher-Höpplinger, how is the Association? The Ageing of the population threatens to actually?

Halmbacher-Höpplinger: , Fortunately, is shown the situation in the club not in a dramatic way. Due to our active cooperation with many institutions, Associations, vhs, Gymnasium, schools, and many interested private individuals – we see the antiquity-Gauverein Tegernsee are quite well positioned. The Association currently has about 320 members, between 30 and 90 years. The average age of members is higher than in other Clubs, may have its reason with the historical and time-historical focus. In many cases the interest comes only after a certain age. If you look at the club structures in General, is the General reluctance of young people to a membership in Clubs find. The beauty of our club and in the Museum is that not only the members interested in that, but our offers and activities for the General public are available – and also far beyond the society on the interest bump.

see also: In the Museum Tegernseer valley: Historical in new light

What do you think of the idea of a new, more modern Name for an old Association that is committed on top of that, the history? The goal is to be a leader or is it counterproductive?

Halmbacher-Höpplinger: The club has now existed for more than 110 years. In this time he has created a good reputation. The broad-based Knowledge and our extensive archive will be used and the contact sought. The content of our tasks are up to date and in constant exchange with Young and Old. That’s what I consider to be valuable and future-securing. A mere renaming would change hardly anything, and it is also a question of respect for the achievements of the members of the Association in the long time of its existence.

see also: Nativity scene exhibition moves into the Tegernsee heritage Museum

the Name of “Historical Association for the Tegernsee valley,” may the castle of peace with others, and Museum makers in the valley Would endanger?

Halmbacher-Höpplinger: The correct club name is, according to the Statute, “antiquity-Gauverein Tegernsee e. V.”. After we discuss as a carrier of the Museum Tegernseer Tal in many of the things the Tegernsee and, if necessary, and on all possible occasions, with the other Museum-makers in the valley to work together and vote, I hope to continue on this mutual trust for the benefit of all museums in the valley. We have just launched the joint Museum flyer again, because we are aware of, that we, as a Partner more than every man for himself. The museums and the people responsible are interested in the history and culture of the Tegernsee valley is visible to the Public and understandable. Each in his own way, and we are working together for all.