was not So presented to René Fasel in the last months of his 26-year tenure as President of the world ice hockey Federation IIHF. The wires at the head office in Zurich-Enge to run hot due to the Coronavirus, the Association must have a tournament after the other cancellations. Actually, the Freiburg these days would want to visit in Kyrgyzstan, the first sweep of a Division-4-WM a visit, on the deepest level. But of course, the tournament can not take place. “We take day-to-day,” says Fasel. “New mosaic pieces to come, and we paste the image.”

caused a stir by his statement to the Russian news Agency Tass, Russia and Belarus have offered to step in, if the world Cup of 8. – 24. May could not take place in Switzerland. “That was not a request of us that came out of them,” explains Fasel. “They said: If there is a Problem, we are there. I think that’s a good sign. But you also have to be realistic. There are two big Unknown: If the world Cup in Switzerland is cancelled, how quickly this would happen? And, like the Coronavirus in Russia and white Russia from spreading?”

A world Cup in the empty halls? “You can’t do that to the players.”

The goal of the world Cup could take place in Switzerland, says Fasel. To add: “But the health of the players and the spectators first. That was always our law.” To move the world Cup to, at most, to the rear, at the end of may, he sees it not as a way: “If we on 8. May not be able to play, we should not play at all.” And a world Cup in the empty halls was anyway not an Option: “So you kill the Sport. You can’t do that to the players. And the Fans too.”

The world governing body pursued the strategy, the tournaments have to be cancelled next year at the same place to catch up on. This would also be a positive message, then the world Cup in Zurich, and Lausanne stop in 2021 would take place. However, in A world Cup, there is a need for a decision at the Congress.

Would move the world Cup in Switzerland in 2021? Or deleted without replacement?

“If you move all tournaments to the rear, the larger consequences,” says Fasel. “Then the world Cup in 2025 would take place in Sweden and Denmark in the Olympic year 2026. These Nations would agree to it?” What is clear, however: Would deleted the world Cup in Switzerland, without replacement, that would be a hard blow for the local basketball movement.

Fasel has in the last few weeks, as again and again hard in Queuing Decisions, a lot of solidarity in the “hockey family” feel, he says. “No one escape, one accepts the Situation and seeking solutions.” The scope of the spread of the Coronavirus is not yet an estimate that also teaches a certain humility. And there are so many scenarios are possible, that you can play. It is also conceivable that the A-held world Cup, but not with all Nations. Italy is also qualified. And the NHL would give their players at all free?


the world ice hockey Championships will take Place in spite of the Coronavirus?

Yes, until in the spring of the Coronavirus wane, and the Swiss can pursue as planned in Zurich the gold medal.
Yes, but not in Zurich, but on the Black sea in Sochi, where the regulations are not as strict.
no, the Coronavirus is the hockey party burst.
Yes Tune

until in the spring of the Coronavirus wane, and the Swiss can pursue as planned in Zurich the gold medal.


Yes, but not in Zurich, but on the Black sea in Sochi, where the regulations are not as strict.


no, the Coronavirus is the hockey party burst.


129 votes

Yes, up in the spring of the Coronavirus wane, and the Swiss can pursue as planned in Zurich the gold medal.


Yes, but not in Zurich, but on the Black sea in Sochi, where the regulations are not as strict.


no, the Coronavirus is the hockey party burst.


129 votes

The women’s world Cup is soon to

Fasel and his Crew look at the moment day for day, week for week. 31. March to begin the women’s world championship in Halifax and Truro, in a good three weeks. The Swiss women would also participate. But how is the situation in Canada is developing? Are likely to enter the Swiss at all? Would have to be tested all the participants on the Coronavirus? Since it will soon need to Decide.

“We have drawn up a Roadmap,” says Fasel. “In mid-March, it must be decided what happens with the tournaments in the first half of April. At the end of March, we decide for the second half of April. And according to this roadmap we need to meet no later than mid-April a decision for A world championship.”

For 22 million francs insured

After all, something Fasel can be a little quiet sleep: in 2012, the Association for the A WM castle in the world, a failure insurance. “We did a risk assessment and came to the conclusion that we must afford it. A good decision. Up to 22 million Swiss francs is covered. That’s enough, good.”

There are turbulent days, but the 70-Year-old speaks with a quiet voice. “We have to wait and see, observe, analyze, and decide. And Yes not to panic make,” he says. Mischievously, he adds: “at Least it will not be boring.”

Created: 05.03.2020, 19:03 PM