New Chassis, new luck for Sebastian Vettel at the Grand Prix of Spain in Barcelona (formula 1 2020 live Ticker for this!): The Ferrari driver took place in the first Free practice of the fifth and in the second the twelfth, and ended up in the combined overall results, with 1,196 seconds behind Lewis Hamilton in sixth place. Team-mate Charles Leclerc 0.011 seconds were missing.

“Today was a little bit better and a bit quieter. I felt very good,” reported Vettel. “We have tried a couple of things. I don’t necessarily believe that all have to work. Now we try to overnight the stuff to sort out, so we can get even better tomorrow and hopefully a peaceful and normal day.”

In the morning session Vettel and Leclerc were on the Soft, practically on a par. Your times could improve in the afternoon. Also in the afternoon, Vettel was able to keep up in each of the sectors well – but never on the round as a whole: On the media, he lost the stall duel to 0,272, in the qualifying Runs will be on Soft to 0,257 seconds.

“It is in any case closely,” says Vettel. “It is important, therefore, to pack everything in one round. We were not able to today. If we succeed, there should not be bad. But I think, the Top positions are currently not there. If all goes well, we can attack in the third Qualifying round, hopefully still a little bit.”

Vettel: first appearance with a new Chassis

Whether it is the new Chassis (technically the same as the old) it has helped, closer to Leclerc and come closer to, is to say to Vettel “it is difficult to. Another route, other conditions. Since it is difficult to draw the comparison. But I think that I have done today is a bit lighter than the past few weeks.”

“The pace of a round was a bit better overall. In the afternoon it was a bit harder for a clean lap. But we are better prepared. Let’s see how it goes tomorrow. We have tried a couple of things and knowledge for tomorrow a little bit more.”

Even if he has yet to get “all” the answers about his relationship to the 2020’s, Ferrari’s, he wanted to get The form curve is pointing upwards. “Overall, some things make a bit more sense to me,” says Vettel. To rate “Friday is always difficult, when you try out things, as it was the case today.”

All of the Ferrari team in Barcelona improved

striking: Not only is the Ferrari factory team seems to have a set to the front, but the Ferrari team as a whole. In addition to Leclerc, and Vettel in P5/6 Romain Grosjean (7 delivered./Haas), and the two Alfa Romeos, which could leave all three of Williams comfortably behind, from improved services.

“It was a pretty good day. Better than expected,” says Leclerc. “The qualifying Pace was quite good. Here and there we still need to do a bit and pace find. Especially in FT2, as the Wind has turned. But so far that was positive.” And: “Our race simulation in FT2 is gone for me pretty well. I’m happy with it.”

“I’m pretty sure that we will succeed in qualifying, to get the Maximum out of the car. And if we get the Balance the way we imagine it, I can see a good result,” says Leclerc – who suffers like many others, under the heat: “On the track it’s not so bad. Since we can get fresh air. But in the Box it is a nightmare – as in the Sauna!”

This article written was by Christian

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