For some time the construction of the new Integrated control center (ILS) will be discussed. Now he is getting closer: The responsible rescue Association has agreed, on a plot of land. Thus, the planning can begin.

Fürstenfeldbruck– The rescue coordination centre meets your current location to the Munich street in Bruck to the district office arge spatial boundaries. Various plots of land for the new building were discussed under their hands already. On Monday, the decision fell. The new station will be built in gernlinden (municipality of Maisach). The district administrator Thomas Karmasin (CSU) reported on Tuesday on demand. The Assembly was not like the day before, publicly, the unanimous decision pro gernlinden.

In the small commercial area

Maisach had offered the plot of land. There is traffic at Lidl is located in the small commercial area near the circle, is well connected. From there you will be so coordinated rescue operations in the districts of Bruck, Dachau, Starnberg and Landsberg and organized. A time horizon not want to define Karmasin in more detail. The decisions have to be but like, now enter the planning begins. The financing is the responsibility of the Association, the four counties belong to, and by then, of course, via a levy on each circle of households.

In the public session of the special-purpose Association of the currently unsatisfactory Situation with the ILS again and again had been raised. The Brucker ILS was measured by the use of the fourth-largest in the whole of Bavaria, and even the greatest, not working with a professional fire together, pay about ILS-chief Roman Köhler reported. In the face of rising use of the building was to be paid to small and the time for the new pressing something, so the technology had to be replaced, which is apparent in the old building, but no sense.

More Emergency response

Köhler reported 208 000 emergency calls last year, of which just under 6700, the fire Department would be affected. 81 000 operations were emergency rescues. Just, this number increases as the population increases in density. In Landsberg and Starnberg the district operation centres (KEZ) had been occupied, given the cramped Situation in Bruck of the firefighters. Köhler therefore called for the new building. This is the velvet of new of new technology is done, will you save with smaller improvements “over,” it said in the session.

star mountain (new) the district administrator Andreas Frey reminded the staff in the ILS, the ertrügen in view of the spatial location of much suffering and asked what they could do to you outside of the recognition of Good. The chief of the new staff Council shared some of the little things (such as free use of the pool), which are possible and conceivable. More but at the Moment, not in it. Regardless of the ILS is to receive three dispatchers and, as a Manager, and an additional system administrator to respond to more frequent system failures.

in Short, even the everlasting technological innovations, which allow it to see a number of free places in hospitals at a glance (Ivena) or cell phone were addressed to locations of Accident victims is possible (AML). In the first session of the special-purpose Association after the municipal election Karmasin was elected again as its Chairman. His Deputy is the star mountain district administrator Frey.