The forearm support is a sporting weight exercise that only forearms and toes should touch the ground. Who holds two or even three minutes, is considered to be sporty. George Hood, 62, a former US marine infantryman, has remained in the middle of February in a gym in Plainfield, Illinois, eight hours, 15 minutes and 15 seconds in the Pose. New Guinness World Record.

George Hood, how to please you by holding this Exercise for so long?
I have trained for 18 months every day, seven hours. A minimum of four hours forearm support, 2000 Sit-ups, 600 pushups, squats, 500 knee. For me, it’s become my nature, a habit. I had to train for hours and hours. Sometimes it was brutal.

Why did you do it then?
The forearm support is the best body coordination exercise that I have ever met. I’m addicted become then. Each has its special feature, this is my. It is as if you planted a tree. He is growing, and every Time you plankt, dig the roots deeper into the earth. No matter what storm is an advancing, the tree will remain standing. During the Exercise it feels but, as a razor would cut in the elbow. The skin will RUB off, you bleed.

That sounds awful.
Eventually, be deaf to the shoulders and arms, then it’s better. My task was only to endure to the end. This is what I get, especially because I listen to very loud music. I feel like a Rockstar.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in all of the Trainings cried.George Hood

To plankt what kind of music it’s for the best?
Heavy Metal from the ’80s and’ 90s: Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Mötley Crüe. Loud! But also “Du Hast” by Rammstein. I have played in many Events as the first Song. Then I’m pumped full of energy. If I can, I play Neil diamond’s “Sweet Caroline”. Then all the spectators come in the room and sing, and all knowledge: That’s it, he’s through.

Eight hours in the same Pose: you Will not be also boring?
Yes, often. I need and then be sure to have the people around me, I need your energy, you gives me strength. It’s like a rock concert. Imagine Rammstein playing in a huge stadium and no one comes. It is simply phenomenal, if people are there. I get the feeling that I’m worth something and not just wasting my time turning.

what kind of a mood record attempt in such a world?
I’m scared. But I also know that I can fight. If I have eight hours on this platform spend, are sold all of my demons. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in all of the Trainings cried. You have a lot of time to reflect on life.

My last meal before an Event I take a Minimum of twelve hours before me.George Hood

After your world record, you will still have enough energy for 75 spent. You could have the time nor the exhaust?
Five minutes I could squeeze out of my body, maybe I would have managed even eight and a half hours. I wanted to reach a time, in any shape, or can remember. My unofficial record of ten hours, ten minutes and ten seconds was impossible for me. The Event took place in the premises of the “515 Fitness”, so I’ve made eight hours, 15 minutes and 15 seconds.

What do you say to the people, the sweat after a Minute covered in collapse?
As I have discovered in the Exercise of 2011 for me, there have only made a couple of Yogis in any caves in India. I may have held for five minutes. My tip: The right diet is important. My last meal before an Event I take a Minimum of twelve hours before me. I eat a large piece of wild salmon, potatoes and lots of spinach – a bit like Popeye.

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Created: 10.03.2020, 18:45 PM