bury The hatchet between the municipality of otter caught and the Rohrdorf GmbH seems. In April, was sealed with a comparison that pits the gravel operators ensures the continued operation of its crushing plant, until the end of 2027. For the Rohrdorf accepted that the town hall can regulate the Opening of more mines.

Otterfing – The fronts were hardened. While the “Rohrdorf Sand and Kies GmbH” was repeated in the North Otterfings the sought-after commodity in great style from the ground, saw the municipality of excessive stress, especially due to the ever-growing Truck traffic on the Hienlohestraße and through the commercial area. to have

Rohrdorf, in turn, knocked out by the in the regional plan anchored “priority area gravel” is largely a free Hand.

to put The municipality took, therefore, a time-consuming procedure in the purchase, by the expulsion of a 32-acre “focus area gravel” the further reduction in planning legal limits.

Last man crossed in 2017, the Sound. At that time, the Council granted a “final extension” of the crushing plant up to 2020 – with the note that the existing pit, is much to the Annoyance of Rohrdorf within said concentration zone and, therefore, hardly to continue operating could hope for. The company filed suit against lawsuits.

comparison eliminates legal uncertainty

Surprisingly, the opponents were now at the negotiating table, and agreed in April to a comparison. “In Rohrdorf, there was a change in leadership,” said mayor Michael Falk Hahn (SPD), now in the municipal Council, “it shows there is now significantly more open-minded.” At the core of the Deal provides that the Rohrdorf until the end of 2027, together with the old crushing plant is allowed to degrade to the previous Area, but all of the suits pulls back – and, therefore, the restrictions of the “concentration zone” is accepted.

“We have tested it very intensively,” said head of planning, Heinz Hirz in the session, “the comparison is good because it eliminates legal uncertainties.” Thus, a duration of the conflict could be resolved.

Hirz campaigned in the local Council to tolerate the operation of the crushing plant for another seven years. After the expiry of this deadline at the end of 2027, the district office had rules, in a new notice of Approval, the resolution of the removal area, including the reclamation requirements.

Josef Killer (FWG) asked whether the Rohrdorf have made further concessions. “What, for example, with a wheel washing system, which are elsewhere also.” Falk, Hahn confirmed that the company would retrofit such a facility. Roads are contaminated anyway, get the Rohrdorf cleaning, unless there is evidence from the population. Further Details of the deal did not want to call Falk faucet.

“The cow is from the ice”

Unanimously, the Council approved the comparison and the extension of the deadline up to 2027 to agree. “The cow is from the ice,” hopes the mayor.

However, this does not mean that the Rohrdorf peeling after 2027 from Otterfing. Within the of the municipality and defined concentration zone, which covers 32 hectares between the present Rohrdorf-pit, and the pit, carnival, can, theoretically, be more mines opened. Gravel mining is a lucrative, white the mayor: “If the owners give up these areas, is there to be mined.”