Among the lovers of football, the debate is often raging. Considered one of the best French strikers of recent years, Karim Benzema no longer appeared in the jersey of the France team since the sextape with Mathieu Valbuena. Sacrilege for some, justice for others, the case of the player of Real Madrid divides.

Recent champion of Spain with the club of madrid, led by Zinedine Zidane, Karim Benzema has received the praises of the president of the French football Federation, in an interview to RMC. The output which was not to the taste of the French striker. “I’d rather laugh “, he responded on Twitter by sharing the link to the article in question.

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relations between The two men have always been fresh since the ouster of the French. It is only through media and social networks interposed they were speaking the word. “He is having an exceptional season with Real. I’ve already praised Zidane, who is her coach. It is part today, on the season he has just carried out, of the best players. The best ? This is not for me to judge because I haven’t seen all the matches. But he did, in my opinion, the best season of his career “, said Noël Le Graët during the interview aired by RMC on Thursday, after the national title Karim Benzema in Spain.

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This is not the first time that the boss of the FFF compliments the player. In November 2019, it has already made : “Karim Benzema is a very good player, I never doubted his qualities. On the contrary, it shows at Real Madrid he is one of the best players at his position, ” before announcing that the career in the France team’s second best scorer of the Liga 2020 was completed. Again, Karim Benzema had cracked a message to scathing on Twitter. “Christmas, I thought that you did interfériez not in the decisions of the coach ! Know that it is me and me alone that would be (sic) an end to my international career, ” he wrote.