“The show must go on”, it means currently in the North American professional leagues. But for how long? In Santa Clara County, California district with approximately 1.95 million inhabitants, is home to the NHL Team San Jose with the Swiss Timo Meier, it came out on Thursday to measure a first force. The health authorities have recommended that numbers due to the increasing case (currently 20) of the implementation of large-scale events. Concerts, sporting events, conferences and larger meetings were to cancel, kept by the County James Williams at a press conference.

asked whether this is also the Sharks are concerned, Williams said: “Yes, also the games of the Sharks are meant to be. All major meetings are cancelled. It’s not that the people are herded together in places with many others, to keep you no distance can.” The NHL Team from San Jose was impressive and held on to the sweep of the home game against Minnesota. The Sharks lost 2:3, in the stands, it was unusual in a lot of gaps.

The warning was hushed

In a Statement, left the Sharks announced that they will take the recommendations of the County of Santa Clara note and the Situation more accurately would be to observe. On both the club website as the NHL, the alarm of the authorities was hushed. The Business you want to in the US professional sports from the corona virus does not spoil. Currently, the Clubs are content with recommendations to reduce the risk. The NBA have suspended a basketball player, not more with the Fans abzuklatschen or foreign pens in Hand to write autographs.

In the NHL, and the NBA is to start in mid-April, the Playoff. Major League Baseball would schedule on 26. March in their season start. But what if the Coronavirus from spreading further? The North American professional sports is so influential that he can avoid playing to the cancellation of Games or the harvest of the Spirit? In US media reports, meanwhile, also mentioned Switzerland as an example. The first battle was fought in San Jose, the next will follow.

icebreaker – Hockey Podcast by Tamedia

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Created: 06.03.2020, 15:45 PM