in addition to temporary Bicycle streets, the city also temporary pedestrian zones and play streets. The city Council has decided. The proposals came from the district committees.

from the end Of July until the end of September should be blocked driveway, therefore, the ehrengut street in the three-mill district and the Viktualienmarkt market-leading West Ried road and parts of the southern Avenue to the Nymphenburg castle, largely for car traffic. In addition, the zenetti is to be square once again as the stay area.

This summer, the roads have become in the last years in many European cities, becoming more and more popular. In Munich, has been locked in a year-on-year in the Alps place in Giesing temporarily for motorists, the zenetti place in the framework of the project City2Share transformed.

For the now selected streets to give on-site visits, the administration wants to then deliberate with the police and the district Committee. Conceivable shape are occasions along with signs and also Planters and Seating.

a Per-district Committee were one to two sections of road conceivable. The administration indicates, however, that the summer streets in every quarter makes sense. Initially you want to limit also ten to 15 projects.

Just now, while the constraints imposed by the Corona-pandemic, made the summer – or neighborhood streets sense, said the SPD-councillor Nikolaus Gradl. To be “In a city in Isolation, is difficult. The Munich will spend this summer in the city. With the neighborhood streets, we create a space where people can linger.“ Gradl pointed out that the possibility of temporary pedestrian zones set up, will already well accepted. There are already more requests from different quarters.

“pools, playgrounds, everything is crowded,” said Green councillor Gudrun Lux. This relates not only to the children. “It draws us outside, but the space is tight. Now the public space of habitat for the neighborhood.“

Heike Kainz (CSU) asked that in future summer streets, the city Council is concerned. “The decision is to be taken from us out of your Hand. Individual streets are to be decided in the city Council, not by the administration or the district committees.“ It is also important that the conditions for the summer are respected roads, such as bus lanes for a conversion are taboo, as are Tempo-50-streets. “And it should not be assumed proportions that traffic flows are affected.”

The FDP, is opposed to the proposal. Group leader, Jörg Hoffmann: “For us, this goes hand in hand with a sense of proportion and the necessary Comprehension for all road users.” Sense is also to establish these traffic-calmed zones permanently. Corona is a welcome Argument.

In the autumn, will address the city Council again with the theme. Then, the management wants to present a template for the summer streets next year. Green-councillor Paul Bickel Bacher: “no one is forced. We are just the enablers. The proposals of the committees come from the District.“