Munich (dpa) – Thomas Müller would “wish from a neutral point of view” even more exciting title-decisions in the football League.

“The hard-fought Last-Minute-Championships, one misses. But I am not responsible, that it is exciting,” said Bayern Munich’s world Champions of 2014, the “image”-newspaper.

That his former team-mate Mats Hummels has made a Declaration of war for the upcoming season, finds Müller well. “Dortmund have a squad that can be dangerous. The competition in the last two years, more positively. I can understand the announcement of Mats. We want FC Bayern to a competitor who stands in the night: Hey, we want to be German Champions.”

The company had made on the third-to-last round is the eighth German championship in series. A round before the end of the season, Bayern are ten points ahead of BVB.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:200624-99-540664/3


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