Horace Grant, a former winger of the Chicago Bulls, has blasted Michael Jordan after the broadcast of the mini-documentary, The Last Dance dedicated to this mythical club and is released on Netflix. Horace Grant, who won three NBA titles with Michael Jordan in the basketball team, has criticised “the lies” reported by the legend of the basketball in this that it does not consider to be a documentary. At the micro-ESPN, Horace Grant, said : “I would say that it was entertaining, but we know, we are the team mates that were there, that almost 90 % of what is told is rubbish compared to the reality. “

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“This is not the reality, because a lot of things that [Jordan] said to some of his teammates “have resulted in “answers” to his place. “But this was all kind of cut off on the editing of the documentary, if you want to call this a documentary “, he added. Grant is the income on the claim, made by Jordan, which says it has been one of the sources-the key of the book the Jordan Rules, which told the season 1990-1991 chicago Bulls of the interior, focusing on the attitude, sometimes hostile to Jordan in the locker room.

“If MJ me wants to settle it like men”

“Lie, lie, lie,’ insisted Grant. “If MJ me wants to settle it like men. Let’s talk about it or solve it otherwise. But again and again, he pulls out this thing that is misleading in saying that I was the source. “Although the old Bulls has admitted to being “friend” with the author of the book, the journalist Sam Smith, he insisted on the fact that he had always protected the “sanctity of the locker room” and that he had never “nothing revealed” what was going on.

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The micro to ESPN, Grant was, however, criticized the conduct of Jordan with the young players of the team of Bulls, accusing him of physical violence, and verbal. The Last Dance, co-produced by the star, tells among others the well known of the punch given to Steve Kerr, now the coach of Golden State, during an altercation in training.

Grant has assured for his part that he had refused to be intimidated by Jordan. He ” thought he could dominate me, but he was mistaken. Because every time he approached me, I went to his meeting now.” “But since Will Perdue, Steve Kerr, and the young Scott Burrell, it was heartbreaking to see a leader take to them like that,” said Grant, referring to ” punching and things like that were not needed “.

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Michael Jordan, billion dollars baby!!!