Western Pomerania, The restrictions imposed by the corona crisis in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Anyway, as for the water sports. Since the 9. May may now also have duration of downstream back to their boats, so it was a valid square contract for the next six months. From the 25. May is open, the state for all the tourists again.

In this case, the contact shall continue to apply to the prohibition of staying in The public space is only alone, in the circle of the members of their own household and with persons of another budget allowed. This also applies for the crew of a boat.

mouth protection is also language in the Marina duty © Baltic Sea Resort Float magazine

float with Falk Morgenstern, managing Director of the Baltic Sea Resorts and the Board of management of the port-merger of the Marina Network Association (MNA) to include the 17 ports along the Baltic sea in Germany, Sweden and Norway, over the last few weeks in the Lockdown and re-Opening of the ports.

Mr Morgenstern, how have they survived in the Baltic in the last months Resort?

Falk Morgenstern: It was, and still is, extremely difficult. Our Resort is resembled in the last weeks of a Ghost town. We tried to convince our customers to bring their ships without their presence in the water. Still the port for this time is very empty and looks deserted. The impact of the shutdown will be felt for a long time-and we hope and fight to survive well.

The port is for this time is very empty © Baltic Sea Resort Float magazine

our staff are all in short-time work are most important to us now. We wanted to, and definitely want to avoid redundancies, only the Instrument of short-time working remained to us. We hope that we can now step way back.

Are you prepared for the new Opening right? Oh, yeah. We have already started the gastronomy easy and are prepared for a potential onslaught of customers. We have designed hygiene concepts and plans for the Opening of the different areas developed. Of course some of it was left, what we need to catch up on the season now. So we were not able to perform the maintenance of our plant, as is otherwise usual, and all of the Events are, of course, cancelled for the time being.

The floating state office is not ready yet © Baltic Sea Resort Float magazine

become the challenges to come to you?

come Now, but still good in the season! We all had to stop our projects, such as the floating office, or the stilt house settlement is complete. That is, we are now several months in arrears and our time will not be able to keep the plan. This means a further loss of Sales and delays.

The impact of the shutdown and the various restrictions will be felt, our industry is still far until the end of 2021. Our affiliated businesses, such as the boot trade and the yacht yard there is now significantly less orders. A spring you can’t catch up in the water sports so easy. The most Important thing for us now is to make our employees fully deal with and maneuver yourself economically with a blue eye through the next few months.

The Spa area remains closed © Baltic Sea Resort Float magazine

What areas are still closed? , especially the Wellness – and Spa area remains closed. For all other facilities, such as the gastronomy, the Shops and boutiques we are going to try a gradual Opening up from next week. Still, our Floating Houses are closed. Here, we expect an early Opening to the end of this month. In addition, we are not able to open all of our sanitary areas. On the basis of enhanced hygiene measures, we must ensure to clean them constantly.

the end of the month to the Floating Houses again © Baltic Sea Resort Float magazine

open you can Expect a big rush?

Yes, we fully expect. In this context, we hope for the understanding of our customers and guests, that not everything is immediate. Over a two-month standstill in the spring, throw a Marina and a shipyard back in operation. We will do everything possible to enable our guests to have a great season.

We wish you and all the other ports, much success!

This article by Kerstin Zillmer

*The contribution of “Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on power again” was written and published by float magazine. Contact with the executives here.

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