Twice works were the refurbishment of the low things the Church already by the local Council subsidises. The third request was made to some councils for a lack of understanding.

low thing has Twice funded the Oberding municipality, the renovation measures on the low things in parish Church of St. Martin already. Now, a further application was submitted to the municipal Council. Because the final costs are higher than a year ago in a calculated way. Understanding of the application were not for all the councils.

Already in 2014, the Catholic Church Foundation had applied for a municipal grant. The cost estimate for the measures amounted at that time to just under 60 000 euros. Specifically, it was the partial renovation of the facade and plaster damage to the cemetery wall. At that time, the municipality was granted a subsidy of ten per cent, less than 6000 Euro.

“it is more blessed to Give because

last year, the Church Foundation has asked for a further subsidy, because the cost had risen to around 27 300 euros to over 87 000 Euro. Also at that time, the Council agreed, and paid another ten percent, so 2730 euros. Now, after the completion of the renovation work, the final cost: 115 000 Euro. The calculated time 28 000 Euro more than a year ago and almost twice as much as to the assumed start of construction.

“it can’t be that, because the calculated costs will be exceeded by almost 100 percent,” said Johann Wachinger (WG Aufkirchen). The Archdiocese of Munich and Freising was one of the richest. The Church Foundation’s request for the third Time a grant, was “outrageous,” was outraged Wachinger and quoted from the Bible: “Type is blessed because.”

explosion in Costs comes in the case of old buildings

mayor Bernhard mosquito (CSU) explained that the Work had taken longer than I thought. That doesn’t come with old buildings, rare: “Only the costs are estimated. And during the renovation new defects, again and again.“ Wolfgang Hirner (WG Aufkirchen) was not impressed: “The most recent estimate was 2019. We have already discussed at the time, and now the money is not enough again.“

understanding Georg Stemmer (CSU), on the other hand. The down things the Church was the centre of the place, and have social significance: “The wall was not in good condition, as the costs explode, stop.” Furthermore, the request coming not from the diocese but of the Church administration: “The poor people are here, they can’t help it,” says Stemmer more.

Matthias Reitinger (WG Oberding) wanted to know who is carrying the cost if the grant is not granted. With this question, the discussion was ended for the time being. Mosquito postponed the vote: “I ask for, and then we’ll talk in the next session about it again.”

Mayls Majurani