In the framework of the “Black Lives Matter”movement, the formula 1 has collected world champion Lewis Hamilton, his voice against racism last getting louder and louder. Now the Briton puts its words into action and announces the establishment of a Commission, in partnership with the “Royal Academy of Engineering”.

In the ‘Sunday Times’ says the 35-Year-old: “The time for platitudes and token Gestures is over. I hope that the Hamilton-allows you to Commission a real, tangible and measurable changes.” The Initiative follows on from his critique of the “White-dominated” formula 1, which involved too little.

The Commission aims to change this and investigate, “how can the Motorsport as a vehicle used to inspire more young black people for the subjects of science, technology, Engineering and mathematics and to employ them finally in our team or in other technical areas”.

Hamilton Commission wants to prospects

In the connection offer, Hamilton will work to break down barriers that prevent people of different origin in the Rennindustrie to enter. This is also problematic hiring practices that lead to fewer black high school graduates entering engineering occupations.

The Commission is in favour with the people involved in the contact: “We want to hear from the young people and graduates, who daily deal with these challenges, and we are in the process of additional partners in the on-site work in black communities, in order to convey perspectives first-Hand.”

Hamilton expects this to result in a fundamental rethink. “When I look back in 20 years, I would like to see that the Sport offered a shy black child from the working class in Stevenage so many ways, is as diverse as the complex and multi-cultural world in which we live,” he says.

Often the racism experienced, often in silence

he himself was in the course of his career, often racism befall – “of children, the karting things to throw me to the ridicule of the Fans with black faces at a Grand Prix 2007”. Often, no one had stood up for him, “because no one has my experience or understand,” Hamilton said.

despite the recent anti-racism protests expressed first of all, none of his colleagues, he has hurt him: “I saw people who I respect, decided not to say anything, and it broke my heart. Therefore, I had to say my opinion.” With the Hamilton-Commission he wants to go to the next step.

This article by Juliane goat spirit, Co-author: Luke Smith

*The post “Lewis Hamilton calls his own Commission for more diversity in life” was written and published by Contact with the executives here.