Since Pablo Laso reached the bench of the Real Madrid in the summer of 2011, his team has played 66 classic to the club with a balance of 37 wins and 29 defeats. But the domain madridista during the lasismo is best understood by considering the track record more than the accounting point. The computation of duels in the League to mark a set 22-20 to the whites in the eight previous seasons but, in the showcases, the total count gives a convincing 18-7 for the Madrid (five Leagues, five Cups, five Spanish super cups, two Euroleague and Intercontinental) in these years, 13-3 if the framing of the photo is from the last alirón barca in 2014. “I do not expect anything which has not already lived in Palau. More hot than other times is difficult,” said Laso on the eve of the third classic of the season, that might hold up to 16 Madrid-Barça. “It sounds like a lot. But, if you had, I would like to say that we are at the highest level,” said the madrid coach before moving to a rival “complete”.


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This summer, the Barcelona decided to replicate the cycle madrid gathering, to hit book, to a brilliant cast with Mirotic, Higgins, Davis, Delaney and company. The fourth reconstruction barca consecutively was the more extreme per-volume cost (a total of 35 million salary mass; 10 million more than the white), in front of the other chisel of Madrid (again, the team that has signed of all the ACB: Laprovittola, Mickey, and by the beginning of October, Mejri). The project Laso keeps intact its force, competitive, feedback, if it’s for the ambitious bet barca. The Madrid is a leader in the League and in Europe, collects his best streak of these years (11 wins in a row, to one of the all-time record marked by Fenerbahçe last year). In total, 27 wins in 32 games played this year and one last month impeccable in that the technician has brought luster to the board and to the timer.

“Our December is still very good [in comparison with previous years, except in the season 2013-14, in which Madrid was undefeated until the end of January]. But not just for the victories and the defeats. I fixed more in the game. I would not leave the holder of the preparation of the team has changed this year because of the World, but yes, it is normal to have influenced the physical fitness level of our players”, said Laso. “Five of them came to the beaten path of China [the five finalists: Llull and Rudy by Spain and Campazzo, Laprovittola and Deck for Argentina]. And as they landed they expected the Super cup. Then we signed to Mejri, who also played the World cup [with Tunisia]. We have a few charts of minutes and we’re adjusting things, but there are others that you can never control”, explained the technical target, which in the Palau will be the lower of its two captains, Felipe and Llull. To change retrieves to Carroll, to which oxygenated granting him permission to spend Christmas in the united STATES with his family. In the League, only Campazzo, Llull, Tavares and Thompkins (in six matches) exceed, for a short, 20-minute half. In the Euroleague, just Campazzo and Randolph arrive at 24. Only Tavares has played all the official matches. For dosing the cape verde is joined to Mejri; in order to free of charge to Campazzo is waiting for the return of Llull. In the club, Mirotic round as the 27 minutes on the track per game in the two competitions.

In the studied distribution of minutes, Laso managed the Thursday, the second half in Athens against Panathinaikos with just three changes (with respect to the quintet Campazzo, Taylor, Deck, Randolph and Tavares), the last of them exit testimonial, to 28s of the end, of Garuba (a key piece in the start of the course to compensate for the aches and pains of the World in the template). Only Tavares and Randolph approached the half-hour game against Panathinaikos. The american arrives in great shape to the classic. Randolph scored five triples in the OAKA for a total of 44 in 16 days, with a 50% of success. Data which ranks him as the best power forward shooter of the Euroleague. The next inside the list is Mirotic, with 27 hits out of three. Although the recent precedents point to Campazzo as the great torment of the club. The Out was the mvp of the last final league (14 points and 19.2 valuation), and this course started also as mvp of the Super cup (14-point and 24, assessment).

The foundation will fight for the pace in a duel of styles with numbers antagonistic. In this League no team scored more than barca (91,79 points per game), but the front will be the best Madrid in defense (will only fit 74,43 on average). The club has won in seven of the eight occasions in which he reached 90 points, while the team real madrid has lost in two of the four times that received 80 points or more.

Pesic: “The Madrid is the best in Europe the last three years”

Svetislav Pesic praised the Madrid on the eve of the classic. “They have continuity, experience and play at a high level,” said the barca coach before concluding that the targets are “the best team in Europe the last three years.” “Since I arrived, in February of 2018 at Madrid, we have won a lot of matches and two titles. This will be another opportunity to see our level”, closed Pesic.

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