“The clubs in the BBL are working meticulously on hygiene concepts for the spectators in the next season and on special labor protection policies for the Active. We are therefore a permanent risk of infection, as the player Saibou, neither to his work colleagues in our Team compared to other BBL Teams in the Competition to answer to,” said Bonn President Wolfgang Wiedlich.

last weekend, Saibou with his girlfriend, who participated long jumper Alexandra Wester, at the protest action in Berlin. Among the 17,000 participants are also right-wing groups and conspiracy theorists were mixed.

conspiracy myth “pizza gate” and “QAnon”-movement

After the Demonstration, published Saibou on Monday in the case of Instagram Video, which showed him without a Mouth guard in the gym alongside national team colleague, Maodo Lo during Training. In may, he and Wester were polarized under the Hashtag #Appel country in mind with a Video in relation to the Corona-restrictions in the Social networks.

Wester, defendant, in an almost 54.000 Times called Instagram Video, the Corona measures are deprived of their freedom. She speaks of a compulsory vaccination for the population, or of Doctors and lawyers who would defend human rights, and in Prison psychiatric wards locked up. In another entry, Wester had claimed that the majority of the world will be determined by a “horror drug” (adrenochrome) and “perversions of the mind”. In addition, you made reference to the conspiracy myth of the “pizza gate”.

Fans demand get thrown out of the national player

“pizza gate“ is a rumored story, in a Pizzeria in Washington children as slaves to be kept. Bankers, politicians, and Hollywood Stars would have their fingers in the game. “Adrenochrome” is regarded as a rejuvenation serum, which will siphoned the allegations, according to of in caves of the prisoners children. The so-called “QAnon”movement has spread this story.

Saibou responds: “slap in the face for freedom of speech,”

In the opinion of the Bonn also stated, Saibou had expressed “repeated on Social Media channels, his attitude to the pandemic or to the Virus itself and last weekend, a large demonstration also practiced by he was intent rules against the well-known protection.”

After his termination by the Telekom Baskets Bonn Saibou criticized the responsible person: “If I have a polarizing opinion, is inevitable against the wind, understandably. To lose then, however, my Job is totalitarian, and a slap in the face to freedom of expression,” wrote the national players on Tuesday night on Instagram: “I have always believed, in the case of the Telekom baskets the tolerance is the top priority, but now it is proven to me the opposite.”

the German basketball Association waives the consequences of

Then some of the Fans of the basketball club had asked for a kick of 1.88 meters large build-up player. Shortly before his suspension in Bonn of the German Basketball had declared-Bund (DBB), the national player Saibou has to be expected after his participation in the big demonstration against the Anti-corona measures are no consequences from the Association.

“We dissociate as a Federation of us,” said DBB President Ingo Weiss: “We accept that our national players Joshiko Saibou has a different opinion.” Weiss explained with reference to Saibou: “We know that it is a pandemic, and so that we can do. And because you have to behave in a right state. If I want to do is have my right to my opinion, and he has a different opinion.” Tip of the Sport-editorial office

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