Italy is ahead just one step, in particular, of necessity – even in the most tragic categories. No country in Europe has so far taken more of the brunt of the Coronavirus. It not only carries a lot of people way of life, but also a lot of safe gewähnter certainties. Italy also reacts the most strongly to the pandemic, and now, therefore, be a delay in many countries all around as a blueprint in the fight against the spread of the pathogen.

The closure of the schools? Happened here two weeks ago, now everything is almost dense. The football ? The A series was the beginning of the week – not soon enough and certainly not in harmony. The player would rather want to quit, the Minister of sport also. However, some of the big clubs, cross-laid, each with its own small calculus. In the end it needed a power word from the top, from the Prime Minister, and a decree of the government.

All of the possible scenarios, but from what?

It may sound grotesque, even a bit daring: Although no one even a hint of idea how to find out of this crisis, and when it’s over, already drawn all the possible scenarios for a fitting end to the season, in the Newspapers, on television, in social media. This may also be due to the fact that the majority of Italians are at home and bored. Even the TV-great expert to turn on via Skype from the Sofa from your living room, people like Paolo Condò from Sky sports, formerly editor-in-chief of the Gazzetta dello Sport. In the Background, on the screwed-on shelves, not the books he reads when he has time with Calcio.

Now, to the debate four options. Option 1: The season ends immediately, twelve days before the end, nothing is made up, no one is master, the European places will be awarded after the last placement. Option 2: The championship is over, the ranking will be frozen, Juve champion for the ninth Time in a row. Apparently, the Turin self but don’t want a “Scudetto di cartone”, how to tell him, a master badge made of cardboard.

Option 3 is the summer variant: Would have cancelled the EM, which all emanate, and the crisis is over until may, which is probably far less safe, could be played in the season perhaps finished with a quick-paced game plan, all three days of a round. By the end of June, you would have to be, however, because then the game contracts expire. This is the favorite option of the club owners, they could meet their obligations in respect of the payment stations. This is important, because the millions are squandered for the TV rights, Yes, of course, already for a long time. One reads everywhere, the Clubs, the Bankruptcy threat otherwise.

And then there’s Option 4, which would be so revolutionary for the not very adventurous Calcio that you discuss them with a thousand assumptions, and the highest skepticism: play-off for the title, Playout against Relegation. The last four (or five or six) make up two Teams Relegated between each other. What would be with the ascenders from the Serie B, there has been no talks yet.

A Playoff will) in Detail

For the award of the title discussed there would be two semi-finals: Juventus Turin (1.against Atalanta Bergamo (4.) and Lazio of Rome (2.) against Inter Milan (3.), with return to play. There are also debates about whether or not in the case of a draw, a penalty shoot-out would decide about the Next, or whether there would be a third meeting, a decision-making game like weiland, because so much on the game stand.

And if the match ends with a draw? The winner would compete in a Final. But to be the endgame “secco”, the dry, as the Italians say, a single duel? Or should also be played two Times?

Play – the lightness inherent in just the seems fallen out of time. A frivolity also, close to the Impiety. Therefore, Option 1.

Created: 13.03.2020, 19:05 PM