a “vacation home” in the Corona-crisis: This means problems for Iffeldorf and the Easter lakes.

Iffeldorf – the place is in warm weather, hikers parked learning literally, for the other hand, the sensitive conservation area suffers from the onslaught – an example of the Whitsun Monday was. The newly formed environmental Committee in Iffeldorf has now Wake up with water, police, district office and the aquatic scientists of the Limnological Station on the opportunities to advise, to get to grips with the problems. The result: in the Short term, it should be strengthened nature conservation controls, and by boat on the lakes. Other measures later.

Osterseen Iffeldorf: Due to Corona-crisis, more day-trippers than usual

The water will Wake up control trips with your boat, so that the conservation rules are not adhered to, said Georg Goldhofer (CSU), Vice-mayor and Chairman of the Committee, on demand. So to prevent the visitors to go in the reed belt, and your trash can. Also, the police will control, and with a boat of the water rescue, or the Limnological Station. The control trips could take place this weekend.

There are more day trippers are due to the Corona of a crisis than usual, confirmed by Goldhofer. This leads to the fact that parts of the town are parks, such as the Maffei road, Hofmark, the Antdorfer road and the Easter lakes road. Emergency services would not come through, he says. Therefore, another outcome of the meeting should be set up – signs, which indicate that residential streets and emergency routes are kept free. That would have, according to Goldhofer, a hand, to be able to cars, where appropriate, towing. You will order internally with the order office to clarify and then the signs. He hopes that you will stand before the summer holidays.

hope is on nature tourism project for the relaxation of the location

mayor Hans Lang (SPD) also reported that the police has reinforced controls at the week ends. He suggests, moreover, that the checks of the Parking areas to be extended through the Municipal special-purpose Association, for July, August and September. “That costs money, but we will afford.” Must decide by the municipal Council. In the long term, the municipality is hoping for a relaxation, by a nature tourism project of several tourism associations, for the guidance of visitors through signs and notices. The municipal Council has agreed to a participation course.

“would we prefer It if we didn’t need no prohibitions,” says Goldhofer. Long and says: “I hope that we can look forward once again on good weather on a weekend.”

Also interesting: With the question of whether the North is allowed to occur to the East of the team in penzberg hamlet in the middle of new residential houses, the team in penzberg building Committee. To him the desire of the property owners was for the Area of a land use plan to set up. The Board rejected – at least for the time being.