Up to two active cases in the district of Miesbach Corona-free. However, the hospital Agatharied needs to hold 50 beds for Covid 19-cases free.

Agatha Ried/County – intensive capacity for Covid 19 cases keep free, could treat the hospital agatharied for a long time only in emergencies. Meanwhile, other patients have a Chance to in-patient care, interventions and operations. Determine the medical urgency, it shall notify the district hospital at the request of our newspaper.

“Currently, we start with the so-called semi-elective patients”, explained the chief doctor of the Central emergency Department, Dr. Steffen Herdtle. Patients, therefore, are not considered to be an emergency, but under a high suffering pressure. In office hours, you would set the urgency of a treatment, and plan how to proceed. Unlike in the period prior to the Corona pandemic would currently testing each patient prior to a planned SURGERY on the Coronavirus, and the corresponding symptoms. “So can trust us the people that we treat in a safe environment,” says Herdtle.

also read: Coronavirus in the district of Miesbach: there are Only two active cases.

How far the clinic is from a normal operating away, could one not easy to answer, says the chief physician. “So there is something in a hospital, never. Every day is different, every Situation requires an individual to adapt to the needs of the patient.“ Rather, the hospital has to cope with currently a big balancing act. On the one hand, continue to be applicable to a General disposition of the Ministry of health, to move according to predictable treatments in the sense of the “derivative obligation” or suspend-to places for Corona patients to keep free. On the other hand, the hospital should perform, through its supply contract for the district, the non-acute operations again. However, under the above-mentioned prioritisation according to medical urgency, explains Herdtle. Currently, one must hold 30 percent of Intensive care and 15 percent of the General nursing capacity for Covid 19 cases. This corresponds to 50 beds.

see also: County clinic is permanently on million.

The flow of Patients had not arrived yet to the level before the pandemic, so Herdtle. To expects, at the latest, the summer holiday periods the hospital, but with many Germany travelers in the district, and thus with an increasing number of emergency patients among the tourists.

In the accounting Department of the County hospital, to ponder, meanwhile, such as the additional costs can be offset by more staff at the same time, fewer patients in the pandemic period. “Unfortunately, this is not clarified yet,” white Herdtle. The main concern is to have a safe, timely and good treatment of patients. “We’ll take care of us later.”
