Suddenly her Smile was back. 8000 spectators at the men’s Derby Brynäs against Leksand formed the backdrop, as Lara Stalder was presented the “Guldhelm”, the award for the most valuable player in the Swedish women’s League. “That was a huge honor for me,” says the Lucerne.

The 25-Year-old wrote in the tradition-rich hockey country is a piece of history. For men, this choice is carried out since 1985, in the case of women, it was the first Time. In fact, you can feel Stalder as the current “best player in Europe”, because the Swedish League SDHL is on the continent for the measure of all things, particularly since many of the Top North Americans are engaged in Scandinavia.

Stalder happy one especially: “I was elected by my colleagues, which makes it very special.” You made them the choice is also easy: In 36 qualifiers, you brought it on 42 goals and 29 Assists, overall, you had a superior Plus-36-balance sheet record. They had risen after a shoulder operation-influenced year with no great expectations in the season: “I wanted to stay in the first line injury-free.”

“It ran three times a fool”

Individual merits are one thing, but the team result is more important. Twice Stalder had achieved in the last two years with Linkoping in the Final, now the hoped-for coronation was but. The hopes burst abruptly with a 0:3 in the semi-final series against luleå.

The disappointment about these games is with a few days distance not to be overheard: “now that the final series is running on, I always think of it again. It went for us stupid three times.” Once they were clearly the better side in the other two matches Brynäs was disallowed, respectively, in the decisive Phase of the a goal but. Accordingly, their mood could be better: “The disappointment outweighs, for the Moment, clear.”

NHL Star on the ice

Despite the worse result, she has not the decision in the Slightest, in the city, describing for the Swiss ice hockey community since the descent of men-A world championship in 1995, something Traumatic. Stalder was elected to Brynäs IF for the continuation of their career, because “the Club, the men’s and women’s volleyball will be treated on equal terms.”

“We can each and every day with
a professional Staff to work. The Club really does a lot for us.”

of Course, when you wage, there are substantial differences in the way everywhere in the world in hockey, but otherwise the conditions were perfect: “We can work every day with a professional Staff and thus continue to develop. The Club really does a lot for us. In social media, we are, for example, is present as the men.”

A first taste of their new Status they had already received last August. Together with three colleagues, she was allowed to attend a men-show game, with current and former sizes of Gävle and the surrounding area. So you stand next to Nicklas Bäckström on the ice, the Superstar of the Washington Capitals, whose ten-year-is worth the contract of 67 million U.S. dollars.

From Rookie to leader

for Seven years, you are already at the highest level abroad, the first four at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, now three in Sweden. Therefore, it also takes a bit of homesickness to themselves: “I miss the proximity to my family and my colleagues. But if I want to continue to get the Maximum out of it, is the only possible abroad.” Tempering effect, that she currently plays with several colleagues from US-times, as well as with the Switzerland’s Sarah Forster and Evelina Raselli together.

“I like to assume responsibility and help,
if I can.”

Particularly abrupt the end was, there is also A world Cup was cancelled in Canada because of the Corona Virus. “A total of seven weeks have fallen into the water,” she says, summing up dry. For almost a decade, she has been one of the circle of the national team, from the Rookie to a leader on is long and off the ice has become. In the young team of coach Colin Muller Stalder is already almost the role of a “Team moms”. She laughs in the face of this designation: “I like to assume responsibility and help when I can.”

Created: 14.03.2020, 21:01 Uhr