holiday in Mallorca: the first and The Germans are already there. Despite the Corona of the popular holiday island is accessible again. But after the turn of the Corona-Pause triggers very mixed feelings.

summer holidays in spite of Corona is possible – at least under certain rules. For holiday countries like Italy , Austria , Greece , France and Croatia , Germany is in a worldwide travel alert* on the 15. June lifted. In Spain still applies to the 21st century. June the alarm condition, and a formal ban on entry. On Mallorca a pilot project, therefore, specially for German tourists for criticism. Here you will find the latest Corona case numbers in Germany, as a card* and the basic facts of the Coronavirus*.

Update from 17. June, 7.25 PM: The Federal government has been classified by the Turkey together with 130 other countries Corona-risk area . On the list, which was released on Monday for the first Time by Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) and now, regularly updated, are also available to other popular vacation countries of the Germans, such as Egypt , Thailand and Morocco .

Passengers from a risk area must expect that you need to 14 days in quarantine . For these countries, a repeal of the still for more than 160 countries outside of the European Union applicable to travel warning , according to the current state it is hardly possible.

especially the Turkey, the third most popular holiday destination of the Germans to Spain and Italy , penetrates to a cancellation of this travel warning and advertises to German tourists. The Turkish foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavusoglu had shown a few days ago, disappointed by the retention of the travel warning.

+ The main beach in Antalya is empty – the Turkey is more than Corona-risk area.©dpa / Marius Becker

The Federal government had lifted the due to the Corona-pandemic imposed a global travel warning for tourists on Monday to 27 European countries . For more than 160 countries outside the EU, it is initially up to 31. August, but it can be for individual countries, previously repealed. For a risk area but that is hardly conceivable.

summer holiday, in spite of Corona: German tourists trigger fear in Majorca

Update 16. June 2020, 18.55 PM: Actually summer holidays seems to be for many now in their reach. However, Federal health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) calls on the German now, despite the lifting of the travel warning for 27 European countries while traveling with caution. Each had to consider whether there should now be a long trip, said the CDU politician on Sunday evening in the “report from Berlin” of the ARD.

“Must I , now, Lisbon or can it wait maybe a little,” asked Spahn. He pointed to Ischgl in Austria, where the Virus in the Winter, Europe is widespread. “Now don’t ballmann may be, so to speak, the next Ischgl.” Spahn said: “Party to celebrate – I would say – is announced this year.”

summer holiday, in spite of Corona: German tourists trigger fear in Majorca

origin article 16. June 2020: Mallorca – It is a Moment of waiting for the many. The holiday island of Majorca is the tourist open again. A week before the official re-opening of the Spanish borders, Mallorca may-Fans in the summer season, 2020 to open, however, subject to conditions.

The pilot project triggers in Mallorca joy but Worry. Many mallorcans have a great fear that it’ll be on the island for the visitors to have a back of the Coronavirus-crisis flare-up, said Biel Barceló, the President of the citizens ‘ initiative “Ciutat de s’arenal”.

“I am here with many. Some need income and offers, that tourism comes after three months slowly, of course. But the concern is widespread,“ he says on Tuesday in an interview with the news Agency dpa. “The neuansteckung rates* in Germany are currently higher than us in the Balearic Islands.”

holidays in spite of Corona: German tourists trigger fear in Majorca

The announced control measures you trust also may not. “Supposedly you want to call the tourists every day and ask if you don’t have symptoms, I know…” And, not least, the most visitors from Germany were known to be very party – and a joy to drink, a cautious behavior could not be expected, rather, meant Barceló as ironic as audibly worried.

With fire, the letter Ciutat de s’arenal had tried to prevent “” the end of may, the so-called “pilot project”. The approximately 40,000 residents of s’arenal to the East of the capital Palma, where the infamous party mile and the German stronghold of “ball man” is, should not be considered as “involuntary Guinea pigs” abused, Mallorca is not a theme Park and does not belong only to the Hoteliers and tour operators, as it was then.

+ waiter’s carry on Majorca mouth protection.©AFP / JAIME REINA

Corona: Tui-plane to Majorca landed

The project could not prevent. On Monday, six days before the Spanish side of the border opening on November 21. June – landed on Mallorca, the first two Tui-Flieger with a total of just under 400 passengers. A total of 10.900 be expected in the Balearic Islands in the framework of the project. To you predominantly do on the ball man to come and holiday, is the Barceló, a warning and a plea: “This Virus kills!” And: the “binge alcoholism” and the excesses of the fight for years, were “today more unacceptable than ever”.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


section list image:©dpa / Marius Becker