Under the Label of “GIANTS Professional Newcomer Session,” the rise and others for many years, and in the hall still unbeaten crowd favorite Edison Zani (4-0, 1 Ko) and heavyweight Albon Pervizaj (12-1, 9 Ko) in the Ring. In addition, the kickboxing type Vice world champion and multiple German champion Natalie Zimmermann, as well as Andranik Voskanjan, German champion in the under-21s in the Amateur field, their professional debuts.

“Our goal is it, the boxer and boxers to the Corona-forced break to offer a perspective, to be able to compete with others and gain martial practice”, said Christian Morales, the sports direct of the Hamburg Boxing Federation (HABV) and self-Coach by Zani and Zimmermann. For the Hamburger Zani it is after the convincing appearance and fourth victory in the fourth fight on the Magdeburg’s lake stage in the Elbe floodplain Park three weeks ago, the fifth professional Fight. For Pervizaj, also from Hamburg, is it the 14. Professional fight and the first appearance since November 2019. “We want to give our Format is both a platform for newcomers, but also re-entry after a break easier. The GIANTS Professional newcomers Session should be a long-term in Hamburg is established,“ explains event Manager Raiko Morales.

Raiko Morales, and the company RM-Safety prepared for the sweep necessary hygiene concept: a Maximum of 80 spectators, Tickets only personalized and even for the judges at the bottom of the Ring, the requirement to Wear a mouth-nose protection. “We are aware of the responsibility and leadership role consciously, to be one of the first sports in Hamburg again to the public host. Therefore, we would also like to thank the authorities and the city of Hamburg for their support on the way there,“ said Morales more.

The Gong for the first fight takes place on Saturday at 18:00. A box office will not be established due to the limited number of tickets and the hygiene measures.

Text: press release

*The contribution of “Hamburger Box-Gala with Edison Zani and Albon Bervizaj” is published by box-sport.de. Contact with the executives here.
