Günter Sattler cares for 36 years the Junior of the TSV Dorfen. In an Interview, the youth leaders answered six questions on the theme of “justice”.

there Is justice in football ? Who would have better answers as a youth leader such as Günter Sattler (64), care for 36 years the Junior of the TSV Dorfen and each age class has trained?

Mr Sattler, what was the biggest injustice that you had to experience on the court

We have, for example, lost time with the youth by a clear offside goal 0:1. The arbitrator had overlooked the tee on the opposing goalkeeper totally, that striker was still at the very front.

How did you react?

The boys were first through the Wind. In the mid-term, I have told you that referees make mistakes and you should focus on your game. The balance we have achieved that. Much more annoying it was, but in another game, as a foreign referee ratted us out completely, and during and after the game with the people from the opposing team joked.

How have you explained this to your players?

I’m pushed to the limits. I never have problems with foreign arbitrators. But that was not difficult, especially since we understood what was said there. A small consolation was that the opposing coach was on my side. Again: Everyone must accept that people make mistakes, but the respect should never go lost.

What do you do with spectators who behave badly?

I whistled itself a F-youth-game and then disconnected. I have some sent to loud mothers to drink coffee. Only then did I continue to play, and it was a wonderful fair.

Hand on heart, they have also benefited from a wrong decision, or?

As so often, as I have been at a disadvantage am. If it is particularly egregious, I go to the enemy and show understanding for his Anger.

finally, something Positive: What is the fairest gesture that you have experienced on the course was?

there was also several. We conceded against Taufkirchen times unauthorized of nine meters. The BSG player then played the Ball to our goalkeeper’s arms. Vice versa is also already one of our players told the referee that it was not a Foul, both of which, by the way E-youth-games