steinbacher substrate is a silent witness of past cultures. The construction of two semi-detached houses on the Taubenweg transported archaeologists 94 findings revealed finds from the time before Christ.

stone Creek– parts of the surfaces of the Taubenweg apply as a floor monument. During the middle to late La tène (250 to 40 BC), settled by the Celts in the stone Creek. “A Celtic large settlement, about the Taubenweg addition, almost all of stone Creek,” says archaeologist Patricia Costache, member of the company Farch archaeology from Icking, which was entrusted with the excavations. A successful use. Because 94 of the objects were, according to the project, the list in April and may was held on the Fund.

pits sixth, shoveled and pinselten archaeologists in the vicinity of the lake located in the plot. “The Builder has provided us with a mini-excavator available,” says Costache. After deduction of the upper ground layers, the archaeologists were in the clayey-pebbly subsoil, from a half a Meter depth easy to find. Mayor Christel Muggenthal knew from early on that they were successful. “But you must report only when the grave is completed. Otherwise, tourists, and since then, even after the findings are looking for,“ she said, the Starnberger Merkur a few weeks ago. come But now the project is complete, the valuable objects are safe.

artifacts in x-ray

“metal and organic finds such as amber in the restoration workshop,” says Costache. The artifacts will be x-rayed, in order to gain more insights. Presumably most of the finds come from the so-called pit-houses, where the Celts lived. The covered pits in a size of about two by three meters, served as outbuildings and were used as workshops. The Celts inhabited wooden houses have long since weathered and delivered today, hardly any useful Material for archaeologists.

The light of day transported the finds attest to a excellent manufactory. “Very nice. The Celts had a very beautiful workmanship“, explains Costache and raves from your favorite Fund, the Certosa fibula. Wonderful bronze brooch, which must already have the Latène-time as an Antique in force was to be maintained. The Taubenweg discovery of a brooch was presumably made it 450 to 360 BC. For the first time, the simple brooch form was discovered in the Italian town of Certosa. “This is quite exciting, since you asked a question before,” says Costache and developed criminalist flair. “Inherited the brooch, or you can do it with maybe a robbery?”

the remains of animals

found A proof for amazing art skills as well as the marine supplies-blue Fragment of a decorated glass armrings. “Glass has been experimented with much earlier,” says the archaeologist. Apparently, the Celts heated for Sand and swung him at the bar.

During the Taubenweg found “eyes of pearl” makes the often spiral-shaped ornate jewelry trend of the Celts clearly, the pit-houses are also numerous organic finds. Bones of pigs and cattle were found as the remains of sheep, goats and dogs, and wolf jaws.

All the finds from stone Creek to go to the Bavarian state office for monument preservation.

Nilda Höhlein