For Julia Görges is positive Thinking is an important prerequisite to the Corona pandemic. The Porsche brand Ambassador and winner of the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix 2011 is waiting at home in Regensburg to again play Tennis.

In our Interview, she talks about what she misses in this Situation the most, to what they are now, finally, time again, how she keeps fit, with which the game you in contact and what we can learn from this crisis.

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Germany’s bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good cause

We do not leave anyone alone. With the Song “Victoriam” supports the action of #corona care boards in Germany.

Now “Victoriam” to listen to

Julia, where you keep and how do you do?

Julia Görges : I’m in Regensburg cozy in my garden and enjoy the Easter days in the sun. To me it goes well.

How you can cope with the current Situation?

Görges: I always think positive and try to make the most of this Situation. I enjoy the time I had in the past 13 years as a professional on the Tour, so never, even if it was at the beginning of course, somewhat unusual. But I can do my normal fitness program, I have everything in my home, what I need to do this. And if everything goes according to Plan, I can beat this week with a special permit in the tennis base in Munich-Oberhaching, Germany also re-balls. Trainers are not allowed, as I have heard, showers are on-going. But it is definitely nice to hold a bat in Hand.

How difficult is it to be Training in a disciplined and consistently, without the next Match in front of eyes?
Görges: For me, this is not at all difficult. Of course, the Competition is missing to me, this is my passion, I’m in this job. But for me, it goes also to myself, to my physical well-being. Because the tennis units were dropped, I had in the last few weeks much more time, my workout is very intense on Fitness-oriented. I hope that it makes noticeable when I am back on the court.

Görges missed “a simple life”

What you are missing – except for Tennis – in this time the most?

Görges: to meet An uncomplicated life, so friends, whenever I want, and allows me to move freely. You can’t stop now, at least in groups. But I can still go out in the fresh air. Actually, I can handle this Situation quite well.


In a Video and other Porsche brand Ambassador to appeal to their Fans to even think in these times, positive, together and stick to the instructions of the authorities. How important is it?

Görges: Positive Thinking is always important. There are UPS and Downs in life. As an Athlete I had to manage in all the years with Victories and defeats, and this experience can transfer well into personal life. If we look around us these days, we see many things that are not so positive. Our freedom of movement is restricted, businesses are closed, many people are very Worried about their future. But only those who manage to stay positive, to help others and make them feel not to convey that you are in this difficult Situation alone. To be there for his fellow men, to stay home and to keep to the rules is an important prerequisite to get through this crisis.

For what you have, by Corona is now finally the time?

Görges: I find it pleasant to be able to me with things deal, for I had in all the years never the right time or not in the mood. Mucking out and cleaning up is definitely one of them. If you live the whole year from the suitcase, pack up you actually always the same things. Now I look in the back corners of my closet and wonder what is coming all to the light of day.

Görges: “With this success, my ascension has begun in the world’s top”

Also scheduled for next week’s Porsche Tennis Grand Prix can not take place due to the Corona pandemic. How much they true?

Görges: of The Porsche Tennis Grand Prix will always have a special place in my heart. He is the first big tournament I won in my career. We can’t play this year in the Porsche Arena, in front of this fantastic audience, which makes me very sad. With this tournament I joined, as well as many of my colleagues, great emotions and positive memories.

Getty images Julia Görges at the 2011 Porsche Tennis Grand Prix

your victory of 2011 is still present?

Görges: , of Course. With this success, my ascension has begun in the world. The memory of the great week in Stuttgart, is always there, not only when I play in the Porsche-Arena. I had not at that time expected in a dream in order to get to the finals and then to drive as a champion with the Porsche on the Centre Court. At the beginning of the week, I stood with my mother in front of the car, I know exactly, and we joked that this would be a nice Easter gift. Such moments will stay with me forever in memory.

Görges: “Should see this crisis as a Chance”

What do you think it is different for you after Corona?

Görges: For me, this time something of a Trial in the life after the career. Of course, I’m by the crisis is limited in many areas, at the same time but I also have the freedom to do the things I had in my 13 years as a professional never the right time. Therefore, I see the positive. I now get a first impression of what my life could look like, if I have time, not more than a tennis player travel through the world.

you Can learn out of such a crisis?

Görges: Definitely. This is also very important, because if you put only the head in the Sand, you come out from a Deep, never again. After every bad Situation, a new door always opens. Behind many new and wonderful experiences waiting. We should see this crisis as a Chance and see how it goes after that, for us, what we can do in our lives different and better. Even if it is not, at the Moment, certainly not easy.

Görges about tennis players: “I Have the impression that you enjoy this time”

what game they are in regular contact and how you experience the current Situation?

Görges: I write once in a while with good Friends on the Tour, so with Ash Barty, Kiki Bertens and Simona Halep. With Angie Kerber and Karolina Pliskova, I had a few times contact. We tell us then how it looks in our countries and what makes each so in these weeks without Tennis. I have the impression that you enjoy this time in spite of everything, somehow, each in their own way.

dpa/Frank Molter, Julia Görges (l) and Angelique Kerber

when do you think will be re-played Tennis?

Görges: We are the largest global women’s sports are. Therefore, I believe that it will only go further if all travel restrictions are dropped, so every player, anywhere you can go, without having to only once in quarantine. I very much hope, that will be the case this year. The most important prerequisite for the continuation of the Tour, however, is that the health of all Involved is guaranteed at all times. If I have to wait a month or two longer, then that’s fine by me.

A wish to end it?

Görges: I sincerely hope that the crisis is over soon and everyone can pursue their profession with passion on the tennis court and in ordinary life.

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