In the context of our mercury series “sports clubs in the Corona-crisis” answers of today, Florian Häringer, Vice-President of the SV Planegg-Krailling, our questions.

Krailling, Despite loosening the sports and clubs in the district to continue to fight with problems. In the context of our mercury series “sports clubs in the Corona-crisis” answers of today, Florian Häringer, Vice-President of the SV Planegg-Krailling, our questions.

What are the implications of the temporary cessation of the Sport for your club?

The club life and the normal operation was, and is not currently, in fact. At the hofmark road, so to speak, to a standstill. An unusual and also unsightly condition.

there Are more and more cancellations of memberships or to stay but the opposite: expressions of members, in any case, even in times of crisis and beyond?

Fortunately, we are not confronted with Lockdown redundancies. That would be a long-term disaster for all clubs. Of course, we answer on an almost daily basis questions of our members regarding the Sport continued. What we have found, however, is that our members are emotionally closer together. It all started with our “#wirbleiben at home”campaign. There are countless members have joined, and your bond with your SVP shown. I was really astonished and also a bit of pride. This means that our Association is actually healthy, and people want to eventually live after surviving crisis back to the normal Association.

“The belt is definitely strapped close”

What are the (financial) perspective to see it for your club after the week-long ban? When you see your club act?

This is not a blanket answer to. Currently, our club gets along pretty well. Although we suffered financial losses. I take as an example the temporary closure of our two restaurants and the related lease losses, the premature closure of the indoor tennis court, and the lack of revenue from home games. So far, we had to send our employees in short-time work. We don’t have too. But the belt is definitely tightened. Currently, all pull together: coaches, athletes, officials.

What help do you expect from sport organizations, professional associations, or politics? Have you registered your club in the reporting system of the BLSV?

We expect the Association and the policy continues to be a prudent approach. The health of our fellow human beings is the focus, and that is a good thing. This also applies to the Sport. Only when the crisis is over, the Fund made the fall, and then we know how high and far-reaching, our financial loss actually is. It would be nice if the volunteer commitment, which make the clubs is by the way also is a tribute to the crisis – finally appropriate. There, the policy can show the long-term flag for the clubs and their Volunteers – even financially. Of warm words, Exercise leaders and officials have nothing. We have already used the BLSV-reporting system. But you have to understand that it collects for clubs only data for statistics collection. Some believe that the Association will disburse due to an Association message with the watering can money. So the but is not. The results of the data collection rather represent a basis for negotiation of the BLSV to the Ministry of the interior. I’m afraid the clubs will probably remain on a majority of your damage sitting. For a non-profit Association that can be used to load the sample. But there is also the Ministry of economic Affairs, a Corona-emergency assistance programme for clubs. We will quickly check whether there is a request for us is out of the question.

SV Planegg-Krailling is committed to social

there Are some initiatives of your Association in Corona-times (Shopping for the elderly, etc.)?

We offer a supply hotline, for example, a shopping service for people in the risk group from Munich-Planegg. Also trips to the pharmacy, and the like to take our volunteers and distribute, if needed, masks – self-stitched as long as the stock lasts. We have a couple of real hardworking members. For our athletes and interested people of all age groups, we have included Video training programs for the Training at home and published. Sport and exercise is known to be very healthy and distract from one or the other of the output restriction. There are more Videos to come almost on a daily basis. The young Team behind it is really very much involved. And our “#svpstayathome Challenge” on our Social Media channels makes it fun and keeps the athletes in good spirits.