With more than 7 million members, the German football Association (DFB) is the largest national trade Association in the world. On the Ordinary DFB-Bundestag in September 2019 Frederick Walter “Fritz” was the basement of all the 257 voting delegates to the 13. President of the German football Association selected. Sven Lilienström, founder of the “Initiative of the faces of democracy,” said the DFB President.

Mr. Keller, the first question we want to put in a good Tradition to you: What is the significance of democracy and democratic values for you personally?

Fritz Keller: democratic values are not negotiable. Because we bear the responsibility that future generations can live in peace. Therefore, we must cherish this Good democracy, to the people in other countries crave and for which they risk their lives, and against any Form of attack to defend – as we face these, our common values.

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one of the core themes of her presidency’s clear commitment to diversity, Integration, inclusion, and human rights. How much social responsibility is in the soccer regional and national?

cellar: Of football reaches millions of people in Germany, across all perceived boundaries. It brings people together that would have met otherwise. And therefore it can carry values, which are for our life, like no other Sport and no other Institution in Germany. In Small, when children play in the Team’s football and remember that it is only by working together. And in the Large, if the models from the national team and the Bundesliga live our values.

The press and freedom of expression is a high Good in a democracy. What are you allowed to say around the stadium, call, or sing, and where is the line to insult or incitement to hatred and violence runs in your opinion?

cellar: In Germany is governed by the Predictable, clear laws should be applied in such cases in consequence. In addition, every Single one of us is challenged on the lawn and in the stands, stand up and rise up against insults or discrimination to his voice and intervene. Because the interferers are in the minority and don’t stand a chance against the overwhelming majority. You have only to become aware of from time to time.

The right-wing populism is increasingly in the center of the society is “socially acceptable”. Rights slogans in the stadium are the result. How to prevent the DFB that football is being used as a political stage, miss?

cellar: Against right-wing slogans, we proceed with the utmost severity. After all, who has the right ideas or right-wing party elects, in football is wrong. The football is for understanding and not for exclusion. For diversity, for Integration, for acceptance and tolerance. These values are with the right positions is not compatible. At the same time, we invite everyone to join in and beat the door for anybody. Who is committed to our values, we take in our community. And is much more sexy than an ideology that spreads hatred and negativity.


you have recently criticized the world Cup award to Qatar and stressed that the national players will gather in the framework of their possibilities, their voice against human rights violations and racism. That’s enough?

cellar: Also, the DFB has, of course, a voice. And we will collect. We will miss name stands clear, we will be engaging with civil society actors. In an increasingly conflict-torn world, we are of the view that mutual understanding, exchange and cooperation, especially in and through Sport in order on policy, can sometimes also build on moral or ethical boundaries, bridges, and to create the basis for improvement.

team sports has been proven to assist in identity and value formation. How big do you estimate in this context, the impact of youth soccer on the social behaviour of children and young people?

cellar: This influence cannot be assessed highly enough. In football, in the community of the children’s values get lives and teaches, from which you will benefit for a lifetime. And that is why it is so important that we appreciate the people that teach the children these values as Fair Play, respect, friendship, or dealing with defeats, more value. Because what our volunteers in our roughly 25,000 football Clubs in Germany, is too taken for granted. But it is not. It is for the whole of society is indispensable commitment for which we need to all of the volunteers from the bottom of my heart. And we must work together with the policy to improve the framework conditions for volunteer commitment and recognition of strengths.

Mr. Keller, the winery Franz Keller and were lead by the third Generation, together with her son – the “winemaker of the year 2018” is chosen. There are similarities between good football and good wine?

cellar: Quite simply, the wine tastes better with company. Football and wine you enjoy at the best. Both the people together.

thank you for the Interview, Mr. Keller!

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