sounds Almost fly daily to various places in the world for a lot of an absolute dream job. But what you actually earned as a flight attendant?

flight attendants and flight attendants to passengers in-flight take care of witnesses. The merit, however, can depend on several factors. In particular, in the training, trainees have to accept limitations.

fly Within the shortest time from A to B, a lot of time in the air, and the most diverse countries to visit, for many the absolute dream job. You do not need to however, be a Pilot, in order to fulfill this desire. Who likes to be in the plane on the way, you can also start a training as a flight attendant or a flight attendant. But how much do you earn in the profession actually?

flight attendants will be – What you earn during the apprenticeship?

The a to teachers* other educators*. the flight attendants sounds like a more adventurous Job of a different kind, but also earned enough money in the training , to live on? The less beautiful the answer is “no”, because in most cases, the flight attendant training free-of – charge or for a fee, depending on the Airline. The advantage, however, is that it usually takes only a maximum of six months.

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How much flight attendants earn after training?

What flight attendants and flight attendants to earn the training , is also depending on the Airline, different. So employees get a at a regional airline, and often less than flight attendants in the case of larger companies. From country to country, large differences in terms of wage also. Other factors the experience of the flight attendant , the in the contract agreed terms and conditions, the departure airport, the total hours of work and the part of the aircraft, in the a flight attendants or flight attendant service are also.

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Taylor Garland, representative of the trade Union Association of Flight Attendants, reported the Business Insider, that flight attendants to be paid for each hour in the air. The career Website called 1.500 Euro gross minimum salary .

The reward of flight attendants should only rarely below this level. Often, the opportunity to increase with additional services, the merit of which is the. For this purpose, including paid Overtime as well as commissions or income investments by selling the products during the flight.

Learn more : salary – How much you earn in retail?


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Central-editors network.


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