It’s been almost two years, since engine Valon Behrami Neymar in the madness. The Brazilians rolled, and rolled, he didn’t stop to writhe in pain. And Behrami just stood there, like from the whole theatrics not a big upset. He laughed even more. Because to him there was no way to come. Not on this June day at the world Cup in Russia, Switzerland, winning, thanks to his performance, a point against Brazil. This newspaper gave him the Note to 5.5. He even said afterwards that he hoped that the Swiss now go with a Smile to work. On the long road hundreds chanted his name.

Can’t believe Neymar is on the ground again: Valon Behrami. (Photo: Keystone)

Since then a lot has happened in the life of Valon Behrami. The Brazilian Fans wanted him out after the game to hell. He has been married. He returned to the national team to the back, because he saw himself in his Pride is hurt. He came back to Switzerland, to Sion, and left the club two months later. He was unemployed. During the three months. With the soon 35. On 2. January 2020 he arrived at FC Genoa. This is the club that had enabled him already then to his first football steps in Italy, in 2003, he moved for the first time to Liguria.

“Always in the right place, with the charisma of those who have seen a lot and know how to do it.”The “Gazzetta dello Sport” about Valon Behramis performance after the victory against Milan.

so Now he’s back. And he is chasing the balls, as if he had never done anything else. Not just against Neymar, but at least against Zlatan Ibrahimovic. On Sunday afternoon, Behrami met with Genoa to AC Milan, in a due to the Coronavirus eerily empty San Siro. Genoa won the game. And Behrami in the duel with any player in red-black, made with a Ball at the foot in his Zone. The “Gazzetta dello Sport” writes, in her single review: “Always in the right place, with the charisma of those who have seen a lot and know how to do it.” The “Corriere della Sera” after: “as Long as he has gas, he runs like a Madman.”

Behramis Zone, this is the front of the defense. He is still one of those Haudraufs, of which there are not very many. He goes where it hurts, and he once said that his body will be after the career break. On Sunday in Milan, it is enough for 63 minutes, then he limps out. Since 2:0 Genoa already in the front, and, above all, Ibrahimovic is likely to be happy, is Behramis working day is over. The Swede is often far fall back, once he gives even the passer on the Central line, is almost the rearmost man. It is not the consequence of the large physical presence of Genoas in the midfield, not only, but especially, in the Person of Valon Behrami. Only in the closing stages, Ibrahimovic shoots the 1:2.

Hidden on the center circle in front of Valon Behrami: Zlatan Ibrahimovic. (Image: Reuters/Daniele Mascolo)

for the First time since November, not on a relegation place

There are such games, where the Ticino can Shine. Games in which the opponent makes the game. Or need, such as Milan on Sunday, because Genoa after just six minutes. Behrami is not and never was the man of the goals and Assists, he is the one who wears down the opponent. A guy like him you need in a relegation battle. It seems as thought the coach Davide Nicola is the same. When he came to the end of December to Genoa, it was his first official act, undertake to Behrami. The two had already worked at Udinese together.

place in the Serie A, had brought in 2019, finished in Genoa on the final table in 17 Games, only eleven points. Since Behrami is because, when it goes uphill for the Team. With seven inserts of the Swiss in the year 2020, five times he played from the beginning. In these Games, there was only one defeat, two weeks ago at home against Lazio, the table second. For the first time since November 2019 Genoa is no longer on a relegation place, even if the cushion is thin. In a duel with Lecce in 18th place, the goal difference decides at the moment.

Behrami will in the coming weeks to ensure that this will be better. It is not his job. He will try to keep them to a minimum. For this he was brought in.

Created: 09.03.2020, 15:36 PM