“with the shift I can work now on my obvious weaknesses. It is an advantage, because I’m still relatively young.“ This set comes from a world champion. A High-Flyer. An athlete, who could really have been in the fast Lane from the world Cup podium in Doha (Qatar) in the direction of the Olympic-medal start. But ten fighter Niklas Kaul (USC Mainz) has not wrestled with the decision to move the games in Tokyo (Japan) from 2020 to the year 2021. He saw already at the beginning of April in a conversation with sportbuzzer.de the Chance that could bring this shift for him.

It is a setting you have made in the meantime, many top athletes endorse. Because this time brings to you at the same time, the opportunity, in Training to try New things, in the Private long-delayed projects to work on weaknesses or to treat but the body just a little rest to start fresh in the preparation for the Olympic season in 2021 – and to fight there, then in the best case, to a higher level of performance in the Olympic qualifiers.

“For me, personally, I see it as a Chance to gain time, develop myself”, says, for example, Mittelstrecklerin Caterina Granz (LG Nord Berlin). “My Motivation is not falling, it arises from the participation in the Olympic Games in 2020.” The 26-Year-old had qualified in the year 2019, a significant increase over the 1,500 meters for the first time for a world Cup. For the direct Olympic qualification away from the World Ranking, you have to grab a bigger portion of it.

With Yoga through the period of uncertainty

Lisa Mayer (sprint team, Wetzlar, Germany) has used in the past time despite limited training opportunities, including almost daily Yoga sessions. “The idea had to bring us only the Corona,” says the Sprinter, laughing – she had previously tried Yoga only sporadically or in training camp. “Now we’re already for seven weeks, consistently. I’m super happy and absolutely thrilled. My mobility has improved incredibly!“ About 15 athletes have joined the digital practice hours, offered by psychologist and Yoga teacher Colette Altwasser.

In addition, it has also managed to coach Rüdiger Harksen, one of his athletes – which also include the EM-Fifth in the 100 metres hurdles Ricarda Lobe (MTG Mannheim) – to inspire with new training content. “At the Thingstätte in Heidelberg we made a Mix of stair and hill runs,” says Lisa Mayer, who has won after a long injury phase, a new, positive feeling in the body. Also the head would be good for the new stimuli. “Now we can expect the first competitions hardly!”

Technical details for the optimal jump

Seven steps to pave the for the also long of a knee injury slowed vaulter Tobias Potye (LG Stadtwerke München) the way to Tokyo. “Finally, we have started working on my new startup,” writes the former U20 European champion on Tuesday in his Instagram Story. “Seven steps instead of five. Still a lot to do, but I’m glad that I can jump again.“

In a similar Situation jumper Julia Gerter (king, Steiner LV) is wide: she had shown in the past year, in Dessau, Germany with 6.62 meters, the second 6,60 Meter-jump of her career – before her tear tendon the next time you attempt the Achilles. “Personally, I see it as a Chance for me after my bad injury a year longer on the games preparation,” explained the 25-Year-old, therefore, already directly after the announcement of the Olympic movement.

70 km for the DKMS

marathon runner Tobias Blum (LC Rehlingen) would have been able to make in the spring after his new half marathon best time (63:19 min) in the Marathon the next performance step. After the cancellation of all the major running events, he forged a short-hand plans of their own: A Charity run for the German bone marrow donation (DKMS) was at the same time, to his first Ultramarathon. After 70 kilometers of the 25 had together-Year-old more than 2,000 euros for the good cause – and a completely new training stimulus in the legs. Tokyo 2020 would come for him too soon, Tokyo 2021 could be his Chance.

But also athletes such as Lisa Ryzih (ABC Ludwigshafen, Germany), which was already witness to two Olympic games and in September, 32 years old, from the newly obtained time Positive win: “I had lost a year. Now I get back a year,“ she said recently to the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes with an eye on your doctorate in psychology. She wants to finish playing before the next summer – and with a free head to Tokyo travel.

expects to have More time with the new coach

heptathlete Claudia Salman-Rath (LG Eintracht Frankfurt), in September to her first child. Tokyo 2020 would, therefore, be for the 34-Year-old is also due to a long injury history, no issue – Tokyo 2021 it could be again. Also, for the discus-thrower Julia Harting (SCC Berlin) is likely to increase the Olympic-shift after the birth of their twins the Chance to fight for this in Germany are so high-class occupied discipline in the best of shape for an Olympic Ticket.

In the Marathon, the EM-Eleventh Fabienne king stone (MTG) would like to continue with a new coach, new stimuli: success coach Wolfgang Heinig is to make the German champion of 2018 faster. Also Langstrecklerin Alina Reh (SSV Ulm 1846) with the national coach, André a new Coach Höhne in your page. The year 2020 without international Championships, you can make use of to together as a Team to grow and 2021 even stronger attack.

the time of the Corona-pandemic brings many uncertainties, Fears and problems, for each of a second page: the of the free spaces, opportunities and ideas in the Private as well as in Sports. It is important to use the time as best as possible. Because the next opportunity to provide new impulses and new Knowledge, and the proof, is coming! Maybe much earlier than you might think.

DLV-athletes are #BackOnTrack! After the week-long limited training opportunities due to closed sports facilities, the athletes return now to the sports courts, running tracks, and weight rooms back. You have to train for a Late Season 2020 and in the long term, for the next international Top Events. On leichtathletik.de we accompany the DLV-athletes! In the coming days, we will show how to use the current time in the best way possible for themselves and give suggestions for new training content and training resources!

This article is published was written by Silke Bernhart

*The post “#BackOnTrack – change as a Chance: New ways of DLV-athletes” of DLV. Contact with the executives here.