How to Indonesia in 1962, once tried, is the international sport policy completely. And it was almost done.

Shortly before the next to Olympus: Indonesia’s President Sukarno and Japanese Premier Nobusuke Kishi in 1958 photo: imago/Kyodo News

Alternatives to the Olympic Games are popular. Last ogled Russia with a, well, competitive product. The Russian sports Minister Pavel Kolobkow wanted to give 2018 his doping ban the athletes, a sports festival, for the newspaper Izvestia made the name proposal “Second Sochi games”. Kolobkow was probably a kind of games that should continue in the Soviet Union from 1928 and is a counterpoint to the Olympic Games.

Which pulsates in force in the country of Comrade Josef Vissarionovich Stalin as the evil bourgeois, and, worse, blue – blooded. Until 1952, the Soviets held their Olympic abstinence, then they put themselves to the Cold sport of war, with all of the trimmings – so most of the time, if not just a Boycott, you know as in 1984. But to the Soviets it’s not supposed to go here, and today, at least not directly, but to the Japanese.

they are great friends of the Olympic idea and never suspected the real Communist activities advised. As you know, the Olympic circus will travel in the coming summer, to Tokyo, to the local horse-riding sport games to perform.

1964 completed Japan’s capital this job once already. It is the first Olympic games in Asia were, of course, even without any doping control, but for the first time with a monster budget of 2.78 billion US dollars flowed alone in the infrastructure and TVs to the press tribunes.

The Japanese organizing Committee under the honorary chairmanship of Emperor Hirohito had Packed, but the friendly gentlemen would not have put the first major appearance on the world stage, almost in the Sand, because they came right out of your skin.

And this is a story that will lead us again into the world of alternative Olympics, goes like this: During the 4. Asian Matbet games in 1962 in Indonesia was brewing a formidable sports political Storm.

In the IOC, I was worried: Could this Ganefo games competition, if the Eastern bloc just wants to?

The athletes from Israel and Taiwan was denied by President Achmed Sukarno, the entry. The Indian IOC member Guru Dutt Sondhi has criticized the approach, and been attacked, then only verbally, but also by hand with stones. He then made sure that Indonesia was excluded from the IOC.

And Japan? Turned against the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in Lausanne. Juichi Tsushima, and Masaji Tabata at the Tokyo organizing Committee taken party for the Indonesians and resigned from all her Offices. The Japanese came quickly to his senses, and occupied the Post new, but the gemaßregelte Indonesia countered with a new international sports festival: the Games of the Newly Emerging Forces (Ganefo), the Games of the new emerging forces.

In November 1963, these powers awakened for the first Time in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta. It’s the athletes from North Korea, China (which had withdrawn in 1958 from the Olympic movement), the Soviet Union (in a “B-team” came), the GDR (entered only in non-Olympic sports such as Badminton), Egypt, Cambodia, but also in Belgium or Japan. 3,000 athletes competed for medals.

That was a remarkable success for the new Format, and in IOC I was worried a little. This Ganefo could-to take games possibly to a serious competitive product to grow when the Eastern bloc want? At risk are the Olympic games?

IOC chief Avery Brundage picked up the suspension of Indonesia before the Tokyo Games. There was a bit of a spat, because of the international Federation of the swimmers and the athletes Ganefo athletes were sanctioned, but past the nightmare of the alternative games was weggeputscht, as President Sukarno, General Haji Mohamed Suharto, who ruled with a bloody Hand, and tens of thousands of people, including many Communists, to kill them.

The second and last Ganefo games were held in 1966 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia; a third edition failed due to the cultural revolution in China. After that, the IOC had no Worries about the market leadership of its five rings. The next games in Tokyo will be a new proof of dominance.