Alberto Left (Alicante, 1975), the computer engineer who completed the rosco Pasapalabra in 2012, a success that reported nearly half a million euros, has returned to conquer another ochomil of the game shows. This month has entered the exclusive club of the participants of Learn and Earn to reach the top of the 100 programs. Only have gotten 15 contestants in the over 20 years in antenna in the space of TVE. Left came home with more than 90,000 euros and the next day he was at his job in the Sports City of Villarreal CF, at the head of the computer department of the club. “Here I have a double pleasure: as a worker and as an amateur. It is a pride to help the team from my plot,” he says.

Alberto Left with the presenter to Know and Win, Jordi Hurtado. Villarreal

Left discovered the contests of the television with 12 years. “I looked at The time it is gold and was right a lot of questions. That was when I considered that most wanted to be a contestant”. His debut came at the age of 22, in 1998, Who wants to be a millionaire, where it got to 300,000 pesetas. Has spent eight years working for Villarreal and is now one of their employees more and more popular. The younger players are asked to take pictures with them, and even the family members of any player of the first team, who does not want to give the name, follow him.

last summer, the club made him relive his big moment in Pasapalabra when he proposed to carry out the presentation video of one of his signings. Left had to guess playing rosco… “With the Or, the name of the new signing from Villarreal”, you are asked at the end, when there is only a letter. And the Left answers: “Pasapalabra”. Ontiveros was presented to the fans.

The fan of the competitions is responsible for the connectivity needs that arise in an elite team. “These are issues that can’t fail: a football club works continuously with cameras, software, touch screens, GPS, medical equipment,” he says. “Only for the first team we need 30 computers.” Is responsible for everything to work correctly, with the same meticulousness with which he studied books, encyclopedias, and dictionaries to accumulate close to a million euros between all their competitions.

the Left has found their place in the Sports City of Villarreal CF. “The club is very family friendly, with an atmosphere very jovial, and where I open the door of my office and I can meet real football stars that pass by here,” he says. Never thought of leaving it. Nor could it do so. “People are very misguided with the issue of money from the contests. A large part of it takes it to the Treasury,” he said. “You buy a house and you run out of a hard, but come on, that evil does not come!”, jokes.

Left-drag the ability from small. “I was really good at memorizing things, and in the encyclopaedias of the time there were many. My sister says that with three years I knew all the capitals and I spent hours reading the atlas. It was a form of travel,” she says. For Pasapalabra the formula is simple: read the whole dictionary to come close to learn it from memory. That is why, perhaps, guessed the last letter, the D: “Copy of a species that possesses most fully the qualities of it. Paragon”. It is a skill that is in the work serves to something completely different: remember URL addresses, IP numbers or passwords, which none.

Alberto Left, a computer technician of Villarreal CF, plays a role in one of the most popular videos in the social networks of the team: the presentation of the signing of Javier Ontiveros.

Without doing it on purpose, the parallelism between the rosco and the news of the Yellow Submarine meets the eye: “it Is very difficult to complete Pasapalabra. He had been very close several times, but between a 24 or 25 there is a huge leap”. A jump that the club where she works gave a few decades ago. If there is something Left betrays him is the memory: “We value and very much what we have today.”

what Of the players of the club, who might give competition in a contest? “Andres Fernandez [doorman of the Villarreal] is a phenomenon. He Studied Computer Engineering. It is a unique case. How many players can combine a career so hard with the workouts and the competitions,” says Izquierdo. He, however, could not get into the field of play. “I’m very bad! What I was not was bad was the basketball. I was federated several years.” It was not until the 25th, the escort team of the city, Vila-Real.

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