asparagus belongs to the Lily family. There are around 220 different varieties. Only in the third year after planting of a Perennial can be harvested, but then six to eight years. Each cane is about 35 inches under the earth, and forms the twenty rods. But not all of them may be stung: About five shoots must be left, otherwise the Plant is broken. Traditionally, from the 24. June, the Midsummer’s day, not harvested. Then the Plant grows and is green. The asparagus needs to collect for the next year energy. In the late autumn is finally harvested the asparagus, cabbage and as a fertilizer incorporated into the soil.Starting in mid-April, when the soil temperature rises above twelve degrees Celsius, it can start the asparagus harvest. Thus, the soil is heated faster, the spread of black films over the fields. The harvest is still hand-work. The earth dam will be scoured away by the Cutters, the view that a Spear is about to break. Then the Scion is placed carefully and with a special asparagus knife stabbed. Then the hole is filled in and the earth is flat-removed so you can see the next “jump” again.

Healthy vegetable

For the first Time, asparagus was mentioned by the Greek physician Hippocrates of Kos, who lived from 460 to 370 before Christ. Because of its stop, question of effect he valued it as a remedy. Of the Romans, asparagus was already cultivated as a vegetable. They brought the Plant to the territory of today’s Germany. In the middle ages, asparagus was mainly due to its curative effect in monastery gardens grown. He should, however, also an aphrodisiac, is a legend which was probably due to its phallic shape. Scientifically, as yet, not in the mood-enhancing effect could be detected.For this, asparagus is very healthy: A Portion of five hundred grams, in addition to covers the daily requirement of an adult in folic acid, Vitamin A, E and C. In asparagus contains many minerals. Be Calcium, for example, is important for teeth and bones. It settles in the bones, builds bone tissue and makes the skeleton more stable.

Why the urine after the consumption of smells

by the end of the 18th century. Century you only knew the green asparagus. It grows on the earth and developed through the sunlight, its green color and more intense flavor. Then it was developed in Holland, a bleaching method, with the white, mild asparagus breed left. You put bells on every shoot, in order to protect him from the sun. Today, on piling dams made of earth, which will prevent the asparagus before the play-off comes to light.However, whether green or white asparagus, both of which include asparagus acid – and this is not only for the taste, but also to ensure that the urine smells after eating unpleasant. Because the acid in the stomach, which is split by an enzyme in your ingredients up. Also sulphur, are set atoms free, which will evaporate the water. But only about fifty percent of people have this enzyme. The other half can enjoy without these unpleasant consequences of the “Royal vegetable”.

This article was written by world of wonder

*The post “What asparagus is so special” will be released by world of wonder. Contact with the executives here.

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