According to the “süddeutsche Zeitung” in the unifrauen hospital Innenstadt in Munich in the spring of 2020 84 premature births. In previous years, there were 108 (2018) and 110 (2019). Denmark reported a fall in the number of premature births. Accordingly, the proportion of early births in 1000 babies before between two and three. Currently, it is said in the report, the rate at 0.19 preterm births per 1000 babies last spring.

The children’s intensive care unit had been almost empty, says Michael Christiansen. The Dane is evaluated, together with colleagues from the national Danish birth register. He and his writers can’t come up with a completed study, but the findings are startling. Because you can detect a Trend that the Corona pandemic, the newborn benefited. They believe that “the Covid-19-Lockdown has changed our way of life drastically, and there was less physical proximity, and more attention to Hygiene, other working conditions and less air pollution”.

Less Stress, and less fine dust

Particularly, the reduced contact with the fine dust could have contributed, according to the SZ report, his part to the longer pregnancy of the mother. In addition, it is possible that the Corona pandemic could have a mental stress is reduced, it could have been less Stress. A Baby is considered premature birth, if it is before the end of the 37. Pregnancy will be born week.

baby boom thanks to Lockdown, and Corona?

more good news: The corona crisis could lead to a baby boom. According to a study by the WDR, a third of recorded surgeries in the West is more neuschwa of the Viking as usual.

the Official studies on possible “Corona-baby” is not there yet, but according to the survey in several doctor’s offices, it could actually come in November and December to a baby boom. As the reason for the pregnancy, the patients to spend more time with the Partner by the Home Office or Lockdown.

After the furnace-like heat of the Storm: hail, Gale-force winds and up to 60 litres of rain at the weekend, a PCP coming To furnace-like heat of the Storm: hail, Gale-force winds and up to 60 litres of rain to come on the weekend goat race in a panic to hikers – see seconds later, why PCP goat race in a panic to hikers – see seconds later, why
