This is a study of extreme and alarming for the environmental situation. According to a report published Friday in the journal Science, and is identified by the New York Times, the particles of plastic are present everywhere on the planet. In their study entitled “Rain of plastic in the protected areas of the United States,” they have indeed been able to discover that 1 000 tonnes of particles of plastic were arriving each year in the national parks and the natural areas of the country.

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The researchers were surprised by the magnitude of their discoveries in the areas they felt protected. They have even restarted the calculations several times, fearing to have made a mistake. But, yet the reality is there. Their surveys were carried out in 11 parks and natural areas national of the United States. And, each time, these tons of particles are present. A situation that appears to be independent of the weather. Indeed, if the larger particles will fall with rain or snow, the finer will arrive by time-sec. Only difference, the first would come from the surrounding area, while the latter may come from very far away and even other countries. In contrast, visitors to the parks would have a minimal impact, depending on the samples analyzed. According to the researchers, these particles of plastic would be for most of the ” microfibre synthetic that are used to make clothing “.

A problematic health

beyond the environmental dimension, the researchers of the study are notably concerned about the health impact. As noted by BFM TV, several studies emphasize that the human being ingests tens of thousands of microparticles of plastic every year. A risk need to be amplified so that ” 11 billion tons of plastics accumulate in the environment by 2025 “. “There is neither corner nor cranny on the surface of the Earth without microplastique,” says Janice Brahney, a scientist at the head of the study published in Science.

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a few weeks ago, researchers at the university of Colorado were more optimistic. In fact, according to them, the Southern ocean would be “one of the few places on Earth,” yet virgin of all particle aerosols of human origin.

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