The funding cuts planned by the federal government in the budget draft for the Institute for Applied Training Science in Leipzig (IAT) and the Institute for Research and Development of Sports Equipment in Berlin (FES) are apparently off the table. This was explained by Leipzig Bundestag member Paula Piechotta (Alliance 90/The Greens) on “Sport im Osten” on MDR.

According to this, the Bundestag’s budget committee has increased the financial resources for the IAT and the FES by 5.4 million euros next year. Instead of 17.2 million euros, 22.6 million euros will now flow to the institutes. The Federal Ministry of the Interior, which is responsible for sport, actually wanted to cut the budget by four million euros.

“We are of course pleased about this positive sign. At the same time, we are very aware that actual planning security will only be available once the budget law has been passed in the Bundestag in December,” said IAT director Marc-Oliver Löw to the German Press Agency and also spoke on behalf of his FES colleague Michael Nitsch.

21 medals in Beijing thanks to IAT/FES know-how

For Piechotta, a member of the budget committee, the IAT already has planning security. “In the 2024 Olympic year, as a beacon of sports science and an important pillar of German top-class sport, it can continue its commitment, especially in the area of ​​parasports,” said the politician, emphasizing that “jobs are secured for all employees.”

After the intention to make cuts became known, there were expressions of solidarity across German sport with the two institutes, whose work is involved in around three quarters of all German Olympic medals. At the Winter Olympics in Beijing, 21 medals were won with know-how from IAT and FES.