80 percent of the found in the seas of waste is plastic. And not only in the water, the small grated particles or large trash bags: Both in the people swimming, as well as in animals and micro-plastic accumulates. And in the stomachs of whales, seabirds and co. large plastic pieces and plastic are frequently found in bags. The EU has announced the plastic but now the fight. It is a Statement about the disposable society. As of 2021, a prohibition in the Form of a EU intervenes-wide policy and eliminated plastic Cutlery, plates, straws, cotton buds, plastic balloon pins, certain food containers and cups. But that should not be enough: by 2029, 90 percent of plastic bottles are collected and bottles are up to 30 percent recycled Material. An extensive Change of the powerful plastics industry is imminent.

Bio-plastics and compostable plastics

Is Bio-plastic, the Material of the future? So-called “compostable” packaging promises to be biodegradable. The good news is that This is no empty promise, in fact, the plastics decompose with time. But what is concealed by the manufacturers, usually, they only build under optimal conditions, e.g. at a certain temperature and after a precisely defined period of time. These conditions none of the composting facilities in Germany. Add to that the disillusionment that the current detection can not distinguish between machines and even between conventional and Bio-plastic. Usually it is filtered out as a noise factor. Outside of special composting equipment, Bio-plastics don’t degrade, for which the concept of Greenwashing speak.

if you are asking yourself now, how it’s plastic is because of the Recycling of organic, the next disappointment. The biologically unstable materials form only a small proportion of the total plastic. They also have a negative impact on the quality of recycled products. Of a real Alternative, you can not speak so, unless there would be a drastic change in the waste management infrastructure in Germany. In addition, the LCA of the Bio would have to be improved plastics, since the production is still struggling with a high energy consumption. It is also important that petroleum-based substances that are often added, from the production chain.

plastic made from hemp

The talk here is of one of the oldest crops in the history of mankind. The Cannabis-Sativa-Plant provides valuable cellulose – a component of the cell walls. Not only paper can be manufactured from these plastics: for example, cellophane (cellulose film), the cotton substitute-viscose and celluloid (cell horn). These materials are actually biologically compostable. Often is cellophane but coating, then the composting is not possible. Another point of criticism is the cost of relatively high production. For these reasons, cellophane is produced only by a few companies. Also viscose by the addition of chemical substances, in retrospect, no longer as a natural product call. The Problem with celluloid is that it can function with aging are truly as explosives. It is with the years, namely highly flammable and therefore represents a risk.

in Addition, the law limited the agricultural cultivation of industrial hemp in Germany. The approaches of the above-mentioned Alternatives to have in the core potential, but the production processes are definitely still too many flaws to be able to a environmentally friendly plastic Alternative to talk. This hemp would be a cheaper, less demanding and more sustainable raw materials.

Liquid wood – The Innovation from Germany

during the growth of the tree in the wood cells deposited Lignin is the miracle cure, from what here the speech is. Since it is produced as a by-product of paper manufacturing, a seal of sustainability is actually nothing in the way, or does it? Under the name of ARBOFORM® is produced in this country. Since it is easily deformable, it can find versatile application. Some everyday objects, such as loudspeakers or High-Heels to contain it today. Composting also produces only as much carbon dioxide as the tree in its growth, it added. But just by the nature conservation Federal FEDERAL objections, because if the product went into mass production, so there is a risk that it endangers the trees of the forests. If this scenario occurs, remains questionable.

Additional problems of ARBOFORM® are that it can be due to its brown color, bad coloring, and still quite hard. The product might not be without disadvantages, but his hidden potential is large.


The Netherlands may be proud, to dare the Experiment, a compostable plastic, and since 2018 in some supermarkets-substitute, which consists of lactic acid and sugar. Many foods are kept fresh. Germany has not introduced the product, however, because the expiry period overwhelmed of up to twelve weeks of our waste management infrastructure.

What replaces the plastic bags, cling film, and co.?

plastic bags currently have a bad reputation. The efforts of many supermarkets, on paper bags to switch, but are not always commendable. Because they must be made strong, and be mixed with these of chemicals, beige and exterior coatings attached, which restrict the compostability strong. Bags from recycled Material are the best solution. So if you want to go shopping for, you should be informed about the components of the bag.

aluminum foil and cling film can be easily replaced by bees wax cloths. Simple screw-on lenses are just as excellent to keep your food fresh, unless you used them several times. And who uses bamboo drinking Cup, should first check, to include the percentage of the said raw materials are actually in it, because the actual bamboo quantity is often negligible. The Rest is also plastic. Sure is, who uses stuff several times, doing something for the environment. You can also, in good conscience, change the plastic bag and as long as to use as it gets.

This article was written by Jens Schneider

*The post “plastic Alternatives in the Test – more illusion than reality?” published by world of wonders. Contact with the executives here.

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