Also in the 66-year-old nordmands home country is informed of his remarkable and – in some eyes – easier bizarre reaction.

In a longer article in the media of the World describes the journalist Ole Kristian Strøm, how Åge Hareide after the Danish open match in Dublin against Ireland on Monday night chose of going to verbally assault against the treatment DBU and his assistant, Jon Dahl Tomasson, was exposed, then DBU in the summer, we decided to replace Norwegian with Kasper Hjulmand after euro 2020.

“We got to know in a slightly strange way. Then we talked about, that we don’t broke us about the timing. They (DBU-management, red.) could well have told it to us, and subsequently kept it for themselves,” quoted Åge Hareide, among other things, to have said.

Sportsredaktøren in the Newspaper, Frederick Økstad Sandberg, does not hide that he is impressed by Åge Hareides results with the Danish national team.

“In the period here he has delivered some amazing results. I see him as a very professional trainer. It is no secret that we norwegians are wondering, that he should not continue as the national coach in Denmark. It is our clear view that he has been a success,” says Frederick Økstad Sandberg.

the point of View is backed up by Eystein Thue, who is employed as a fodboldchef on TV2 in Norway.

“Hareide is very popular up here. He is still creating headlines in Goldenbahis Norway, although it is some years ago, he was last employed as a trainer in one of our clubs. In connection with Norway’s european championship qualifier (Sunday, red.) against Malta, we had Egil ‘Drillo’ Olsen in the tv studio. Here acclaimed he Hareide to the clouds,” says Eystein Thue.

He can well understand that Åge Hareide has reacted strongly against the dismissal.

“the Way he got to know, was, in my opinion, not particularly impressive. I have seen how he behaved after the final whistle against Ireland. His reaction was somewhat more measured than when he brought Denmark up to the WORLD cup in 2018 (in Russia, ed.). My immediate thought is that it may have a correlation with the process, he has been through,” says Eystein Thue.

The former Norwegian international Jan Aage Fjortoft, who in his active career, among other things, represented Sheffield United and Eintracht Frankfurt, see Åge Hareide be Norwegian national coach again.

“If Lars Lagerbäck wants to continue in the job, he must do it. But he had to thank no, it is obvious that Åge Hareide should become the new Norwegian national coach. The work he has done with the Danish national team, is impressive,” he writes in a posting on Twitter.

Eystein Thue think that Åge Hareide is qualified for the job, which becomes vacant, if Lars Lagerbäck chose to refuse the Norwegian football’s governing body, the standing offer contract renewals.

“It’s going to depend on whether Hareide will be motivated for a comeback. In return, I do not think you get to see him train a Norwegian Eliteserie club again. In my opinion, he will be attractive to have as a coach in the much larger and better leagues,” says Eystein Thue.

Frederick Økstad Sandberg has no suggestions on what Åge Hareide must deal with when his contract as the Danish national coach expires after the european championship finals.

“He is certainly a qualified alternative to Lagerbäck. Now we shall see. But I wonder if he, under all circumstances, have the desire for a new trænerjob,” he says.