2013, published by the intergovernmental panel on climate change (ICPP) an alarming report. Accordingly, the sea level could rise up to 2,100, depending on the scenario – by 26 to 82 centimeters. In addition, the scientists warn that by the end of this century, the atmosphere in the comparison to the reference period 1986 to 2005 by 0.3 to 4.8 degrees. To the extent you can keep in mind, if you consider that a temperature increase of only one degree, the sea level by one Meter increases.It is not only low-lying countries are affected, but coastal cities with several million inhabitants, such as Bombay, New York or Shanghai would be. In the Netherlands, six per cent of the country could sink in the water. In Parts of Oceania, there are even up to eighty percent. In Bangladesh, the waterways and dams threatened, up to the year 2050 is several thousand kilometres away. Already today, the country is regularly under water. The salty sea water damaged the Crops, and in some coastal regions, no rice can be grown. Because the salt water limits the supply of drinking water, must be drilled in some cities, and several hundred meters deep wells.

millions lose their home

The biggest Problem will be the millions of people who would have to leave by sea-level rise in their which have become uninhabitable home. How will your life look like, if the predictions of science are reality? Where will they live, when large parts of the mainland will be flooded by water? It is a solution to replenish the water itself? These questions are not only scientists, but also architects. The Belgian Vincent Callebaut, for example, has chosen the water to a new habitat.

Ecopolis – A water Lily leaf as a last refuge

“Lilypad” is the English word for “Lily pad”. But Vincent Callebaut’s Lily pads, you will not find around the local pond in the garden. His Lilypads are designs of futuristic, on the world’s oceans, floating cities. Each of them could accommodate up to 50,000 people, who have been by climate-related disasters displaced.In the three hills of the oversized water-Lily leaf all what people need for daily life: shops, work and entertainment can be found. Ships can dock at one of the three ports. In a lake in the heart of the island, rain water is collected and processed into drinking water. Energy is gained with the help of tidal power plants, Solar or wind energy in a natural way. By a perfect Interplay between man, nature and technology carbon dioxide, and wastes are used to produce oxygen and electricity. In the ideal case, more energy is produced than is needed. On a Lilypad, there will be no roads or cars. Callebaut is called the self-sufficient Ecosystems “Ecopolis”. You will drift without drift with the natural currents of the oceans around the globe.

the dream of The colonization of the sea

The idea of the population of the water is not new. For example, in the Hollywood film “Waterworld”, the 1995 a climate catastrophe, which makes the melting of the poles, and forcing people to live on ships and atolls – a scenario that is frighteningly similar to the current forecasts, the science has. To tried already at the beginning of the sixties people, the tap water as a habitat to themselves. Parallel to the development of space travel, the idea of the under water city was popular. Until the eighties, into the so-called emerged habitanten under water. There Aquanauten spent up to two months without having a single Time to show up. The researchers planned to colonize the sea floor in great style.

relics of a dream

in Spite of major projects, these visions never became reality. The reasons for the Failure are obvious: The extreme conditions on and under the water, and the fact that technical and human error can quickly lead to dangerous accidents, the euphoria for the underwater habitats slowed. In addition, their maintenance is very time-consuming and expensive. Today, only a single Habitat of the University of North Carolina in use. Where NASA astronauts train, among other things, on the space prepare. The operation of “Aquarius” will cost the University around $ 10,000. A decommissioned Habitat, “La Chapula”, has now been converted into an underwater hotel, where you can spend the night for a price of $ 475.

ramparts and dams – Venice and the Netherlands act today

Thus, the question of whether Callebaut’s plans are at all feasible poses. How expensive is, for example, a Lilypad is supposed to be, it has not spoken of the Belgians so far. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that climate change and its consequences, require an urgent Action. In the water high-risk Venice about the end of this year, protection wall “Moses” finished. This mammoth project has devoured up to the year 2014, already six billion euros. The ramparts are at the Normal level of the water below the surface of the sea. A Flood threatens, they stand up and keep the water from Venice. Also in the Netherlands, has a decades-long struggle against the water behind. Meanwhile, there is a complex lock system and about fifty dike rings, sometimes with several lines of defense.

the utopia of reality?

Vincent Callebaut speaks out against this type of protection. Dams and alarm systems are only short term solutions. Rather, he wants to guarantee with its plans for a long-term home for the refugees of climate-related disasters. In contrast to already implemented measures Callebaut’s plans are, but rather in the area of utopia. Nevertheless, His long-term Thinking and the idea to fight with the water of life instead of against it, are already looking to the future.

This article was written by world of wonder

*The contribution of “New habitat: Like humans of the sea to colonize” will be released by world of wonder. Contact with the executives here.

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