A mysterious elephants die in the South African Safari Paradise of Botswana is expert puzzles: What makes the animals in the Okavango Delta die, in the meantime, hundreds of them?

new disturbing images of the desiccated corpses there are. “The cause is, even after three months, continue to be cleared,” explains Heike Henderson of the species protection organisation, the Future for Elephants. Almost all of the carcasses were in the Northern part of the Delta, near the village of Seroga. Most of the animals died holes in sight of water. In Botswana, one third of elephant stocks in Africa lives almost.

The death of the animals seems to be very fast. Experts are looking for explanations. “Elephants are very sociable animals, if it were an infection, it could spread very quickly in the herd,” says about the big game-a Vet Sybille Quandt. Lack of food, at least, can be excluded due to the abundant rains lately to a large extent. dpa/Uncredited/hons/AP/dpa Within one month were counted according to the authorities, information 162 dead elephants in the North-West the Okavango Delta.

Similar mass die over a year ago

The local animal protection organisation elephant Protection Society indicates a similar mass die-off: over a year Ago, a initially mysterious pathogens have affected the Region, says the Director of the organization, Oaitse Nawa. As a cause were considered at the time of the Anthrax pathogen (anthrax) – contaminated soils. This time the poisoning was excluded by Anthrax with Tests but. As well as poaching: The dead animals all have their tusks yet. The population was, as a precaution, warned before the consumption of the meat.

so Far, most of the deaths in the case of the elephants are limited to a manageable area in the North West the Okavango Delta close to Namibia and belonging to the Caprivi strip. The British Prince Harry was here inaugurated in the previous year, on the border with Namibia and Angola cross-border forest protection project. Now authorities and animal rights activists in the marshy terrain helicopters and airplanes, the dead animals to identify. dpa/Uncredited/hons/AP/dpa dead elephant in a Bush in the Okavango Delta. In the South African Safari Paradise of Botswana, a mysterious elephant drives die, animal rights activists.

in connection with Corona experts believe that is unlikely

an exceptionally dramatic event, Henderson says: “Something extreme, otherwise caused at most by a long-lasting drought.” A connection with Corona experts think is unlikely: A mostly harmless infection with the Virus is so far, especially for certain carnivores, such as cats and Minks are known. In addition, no other bills wild species from the mass extinction to be affected, explains Henderson. This also applies to animals, the drinking holes of the same water, or scavengers like lions, hyenas or vultures, which feed on the elephant carcasses.

criticism of the government: “Not very transparent or cooperative,”

“A big Problem is not that the government of Botswana shows in a very transparent and cooperative”, writes Henderson. Offers of help were not accepted by the government. “Why deny the government the seriousness of the problem?” the Kenyan asks a wildlife expert Paula Kahumbu in the short message service Twitter. A scheduled flight with journalists in the Okavango Delta of Botswana government said on Sunday, in the short term without further explanation.

Botswana has Africa actually has a good reputation in terms of nature and animal protection. In the previous year, there had been international outrage because of the repeal of the elephant hunting ban. While the number of elephants is declining in many regions of Africa, has increased in the landlocked country, according to official figures, from about 50 000 in 1991 to over 130 000 animals. Herber is a drop in temperature due to the polar cold air, but the summer PCP Bitter drop in temperature comes back because of the polar cold air, but the summer is coming back woman makes a photo with a bear – and almost makes his prey PCP woman taking photo with the bear and is almost to his prey
