may be The first eye to the “left” and “right” neutral page names. But if you look a little deeper, you will recognize behind the supposedly judgment-free terms, a set of clear values. The right of use shall apply in the German language as good and strong, on the left, as a bad and weak. to be

“right,” and create the “right path” to tread, will appear to most people more desirable be, as a “link table” to. To be left out, is probably more painful than to be on the Right course to take. Who has two left hands, it can craft probably anyone right.

the ancient Greeks on the left was regarded as a misfortune page

“the more rational ancient Greeks on the left was the unlucky side,” says Johanna Barbara Sattler, head of the First German consulting and information center for left-handers. Sattler is fighting since long for a more conscious dealing with left-handers. “The left and its disadvantages in different areas of life, attention is-handers hardly given,” complains the expert, who has been conducting research since the 1980s on the topic.

International day of left-handers to draw attention to problems in

, The International day of left-handers on the 13. August to make to the problems to the attention of and understanding for the often the prejudices of suffering Concerned to arouse. Many people would handedness of your links, as they walked through imitation in the age of the child or by deliberate retraining on the right Hand in a “wrong-handedness”, explains Sattler. Concentration and memory disorders as well as problems with fine motor skills could be consequences, among other things, the. “The people need more power and time to Solve tasks,” says Sattler.

With such problems, the psychologist Marina Neumann had to fight during their school time. “Child, we write with the right” was instilled immediately after the Training in 1958, she says. Have you made the school unnecessarily difficult. The Abitur she could handle, according to his own statement, only with a lot of strength and energy.

Also of interest: intelligence of left-handers: So it is different from right-handers

Other children it is probably similar, suspected Neumann. “Many on the left not pressed-handed children, even if they are intelligent, with come well in school. You can concentrate, for example, difficult to have fine motor problems when Writing. This will take you parents to the outside, and your self-confidence suffers.” That in the case of children with learning and performance problems, never a suppressed left-handedness into account will be pulled, was discriminatory and disregarding, find Neumann.

training on a dominant left Hand

people who have had their left-handedness, you can also learn in adulthood, the Writing with their innate dominant left Hand. “On its own strong Hand, an enrichment and liberation is going,” says Neumann, from my own experience. It supports, therefore, focus on children, young people and adults in the training on your dominant left Hand.

you and Sattler also demand that educators need to be trained in dealing with the different laterality of children. “It’s not enough just to have the craft scissors for left-handers in the closet,” says Neumann.

“In most of the curricula for the wishes so far, no place,”

Sattler, training of educators, a little more sensitivity for the subject. “In most of the curricula which so far has no place,” she says. Only in Bavaria you have considered your suggestions in part. “This of course makes me happy,” she says. She sees but, on the basis of the serious consequences of suppressed left-handedness is still a lot of action. Each week provides you FOCUS Online with the most important news from the knowledge Department. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

Exact Figures for left-handedness there is no

Precise Figures for the left-handed percentage of the population in Germany, there is not. “The statistical information vary greatly and range from a low percentage up to half of the population,” says Sattler, the assumption that left-handedness is genetic. A study of 1977 analyzed after periods of thousands of depictions of people with pictured objects, with the result that up to 14 per cent, were left-handed. Also in analyses of grave finds with a ratio of about 80 percent of right-handed people usually change-handers to about 20 percent left.

Apart from the greater part of the evening lands, from a historical point of view for the left-handed, but still some bright spots. In China and Japan, the left has long been associated with happiness and honor page. In the case of the Egyptians and Jews, the right-handedness was the Norm, but representations in temples show the well-known ruler of the pharaohs, land of Ramses II left-handed.

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