On the 16. May, 1908, pulls out a fishing the mud-covered body of a young woman from Vienna’s Danube canal. Soon, it is clear that it is the 18-year-old Marie Veith. In wide circles of the capital of the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy is they have been as “Countess Mizzi” is known. A strikingly beautiful girl, that has been established by men from the higher and highest circles against payment “sexual favors”.

On the Morning of the day on the Marie Veith takes the life, you and your parents arrested. Has triggered this anonymous message has already received half a year before the police. You prostitute secretly, the charge against the daughter – prostitutes have to register in what was then Austria-Hungary in the customs police, and regularly medically examined. Your parents, Marcell and Anna Veith are accused to have Marie “” set up.

The police interrogated all the three accused persons, the father remains in detention while the mother and daughter back home. In the evening Marie Veith leaves the parental home and not return. Exciting, but just no time?

Now save articles for later, in “the Pocket”

the police and the judiciary to question the coachman and maid, but do not make the “Cavaliers”

A new book traces the subsequent scandal-process, the excited far beyond Vienna is a sensation, in detail. The Austrian writer and literary scholar Walter Schübler has evaluated a vast number of sources. In “‘Comtesse Mizzi’. A chronicle from Vienna around 1900,“ he presents extracts from almost a thousand pages of court documents – witness statements, letters and also the customer list of Marie Veith. In addition, contemporary press articles, the comment done to the Process. Book tip (display)

“‘Comtesse Mizzi’: A chronicle from Vienna around 1900”, by Walter Schübler.

about The book

In the process, Schübler dispensed with, if possible, on your own comments and ratings. The most chronologically arranged statements of the documents speak for themselves. The selection of the witnesses by the police and the court is remarkable. Janitors, maids, barmaids, waiters, and coachmen to be interviewed at length. But not the “Cavaliers” of the “Countess”, which are almost all from the upper strata of society.

With the gentlemen of the “Countess” went into the Private room or to the Hotel

In the centre of the investigation and the prosecution of the father of the young woman, Marcell Veith, calls himself “the count” – a title he apparently leads to wrong. The unemployed former cavalry officer is accused of his daughter over the years, wealthy men have fed to ride to the private living and his wife the best. Not only the witness statements, the Fund books a burden on the revenue Maries, he has led, him hard. Each week provides you FOCUS Online with the most important news from the knowledge Department. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

for the night, in the process, shows the “Graf has accompanied” his daughter in various Viennese cafes. There, she disappeared with contacted men into the Private room, or went with them in a Hotel. A popular place for such contact initiations, the amusement Park “Venice in Vienna”. After the Meeting, the father cashed the fee from Marie and brought them home. At times, he left them their “shops” in the house and under the care of a city well-known Viennese prostitutes engage in.

After his arrest, the “not published” the list of customers of his daughter

Marcell Veith can Deny these Meetings and his involvement in it. There are too many witnesses, even if the customers do not have to statements of his daughter. But he’s playing the Innocent, claimed that he had only sought a husband for Marie and thought she would talk to the men only. A hopeless Position, gives the court no Faith. Veith is sentenced to one year imprisonment.

As a revenge he published afterwards in a riot sheet list of clients of his daughter. The names of the members of the “finest circles”, among them, counts, barons, princes and princes stand for. The public interest in the scandal is enormous. Not only in Vienna, but far beyond the metropolis of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and beyond.

police chiefs have their “honor” in court to restore the

is Especially piquant in the case of two high police officials of Marcell and Anna Veith are accused of being customers of your daughter. To confirm the Fund’s books and the diary of Marie’s, in which their names are listed seem to be the. The chief of the Vienna security office, councillor Moriz Stukart, try harder, therefore, a defamation suit and makes his “difficult impugned Amtsehre” in court to recover. Similarly, the Board of Directors of the Sittenamts, chief Commissioner Dr. Anton Baumgarten is confirmed, in a further process, that he is a “civil servant of impeccable honour”. More on the history log of the Mega-outbreak: the last hours of Pompeii-double-ended-spy, for example, Felfe was of the GAU for the BND: “He betrayed everything and everyone” Iran and the US were friends, but in the Cold war they trusted a confused Shah, Hitler’s debris-troupe: historians have refuted the myth of the Waffen-SS behaves Generally, the justice of the Schübler presented files significantly compared to the notables and public officials extremely accommodating. The “Cavaliers” of the Marie to held Veith at any price from the process, and a scandal can be spared. Accordingly, the Public held the negotiations, to the exclusion of, the name of the Free must not be called. Before the court and statements the high lords do not have to appear anyway. Even the letters of Marie’s don’t want to put the Prosecutor to proof-finding approach.

Oppressive mores of the time painting before the First world war

The summit of the cover-up is reached, as it is in the afternoon, visits of young men in the apartment, the Veiths. You are a student of the Theresianums – an Elite cadre of future civil servants. Marie’s mother was accused of this domestic Rendezvous of procuring. But when it threatens to be to make pupils embarrassing to the Prosecutor, all charges against Anna Veith easy to fall. The court set them free, and waived, the facts of the case to further clarify.

The process is the tragic case of the “Countess Mizzi” is – the the documents clearly show – a Prime example of arrogance and stand to think, double standards and hypocrisy. An upper layer, the chiefs of police, judges and prosecutors belong, to be the guardians of law and decency, although the negotiated crime been known for years and she herself is entangled in it. The reconstruction of this story device to the oppressive mores of the era in paintings before the First world war. Until today, she is glorified as a “good old time”. The most beautiful spots in Germany: Here, nature brings you to Marvel PCP The most beautiful spots in Germany: Here, it brings the nature to be Amazed